RFA Ethanol Podcast

Does EPA Biofuels Rule Measure Up?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Does your agribusiness/operation have a crisis communications plan?” There is no doubt agribusinesses, farms/ranches and agriculture organizations need to be proactive in communicating our products to our consumers. I was a little shocked that a small majority believe they have no need for a crisis communications plan. In my opinion, you can never be …


Crisis Communications – Are You Prepared?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s mass media’s impact on consumer food opinion?” This poll made it clear that mass media does impact the opinions consumers have on food. Is this a good thing or bad? It seems good news doesn’t make front page. How do we get consumers to look at the science behind the food they eat? …


ZimmPoll Results – TPP Good for Ag?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Is TPP good for US agriculture?” Most agree that the Trans-Pacific Partnership is full of winners for agriculture, but few believe all of it is good for the industry. Whichever you currently believe, you can’t argue that the future of U.S. agriculture must include trade. Here are the poll results: Yes, all of it …


Is TPP good for US agriculture?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Where or how do you hunt?” I won’t lie. I was a bit surprised we had so many non-hunters out there. I personally don’t hunt, but have many friends and family that do. I don’t hunt simply because I don’t think I could actually sit still and quiet long enough to not scare away …


Sustainability & Farming

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What does sustainability mean to today’s farmers?” We may not have an easy definition of sustainability, but it is clear most of us agree that it encompasses economics, the environment and social aspects. Here are the poll results: Economics – 6% Environmental – 11% Social – 0% All of the above – 82% Our …


Farmers – What Does Sustainability Mean to You?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What is most important personal issue to today’s farmers?” Consumers understanding the food sources out there seemed to rise to the top this week. But was quickly followed by farm estate transition and sustainability. We also had quite a few vote other, but didn’t specify. No one can argue the passion farmers and ranchers …


What’s Personally Important to Today’s Farmers?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How are farm equipment sales this year?” The 2015 Farm Progress Show was a huge success and the streets were packed. But with crop prices lower this year, the question was, are people buying? It looks like we have responses all over the board, but leaning towards not so good. Whether you are buying …


Many Opinions in GOP Race

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Who’s your pick now for GOP candidate?” When you have nearly 20 GOP candidates, you are bound to have many opinions. Our latest ZimmPoll proves that, but one opinion was clear. Donald Trump took the majority of the votes. The rest were scattered. Candidates from both sides had the opportunity to speak at the …


Who’s Your GOP Candidate Today?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What brings you to the county, regional or state fair?” People all across the country are flocking to their local, regional and/or state fairs. It looks like tradition topped out lasted poll as to why many attend. But exhibiting livestock and a fair corn dog were runners up. Whatever your reasoning for going, we …
