2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

U.S. Wheat Associates Elects 2015/16 Officers

Jamie Johansen

U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) farmer directors elected officers for the 2015/16 fiscal year at their board meeting in Washington, DC, Jan. 31, 2015. Mike Miller of Ritzville, WA, was elected to serve as Secretary-Treasurer. Current Vice Chairman Brian O’Toole of Crystal, ND, was elected Chairman and current Secretary-Treasurer Jason Scott of Stevensville, MD, was elected Vice Chairman. Current Chairman Roy …

Ag Groups, Wheat

PacificAg Can Help Growers Increase Profits in 2014

Cindy Zimmerman

The largest and most experienced biomass harvest company in the country is helping growers see increased profits in the emerging biomass markets. The company provides a comprehensive suite of services that allow growers to further diversify their operations and experience additional revenue. PacificAg started in the residue management business nearly 20 years ago harvesting forage crops for feed in Oregon …

Audio, Biofuels, Corn, sorghum, Wheat

Film Introduces FFA to Custom Harvesting

Cindy Zimmerman

Members of the National FFA Organization had a chance to learn more about the “Great American Wheat Harvest” and even get to see the documentary film or buy the DVD. The film was showing all week last week at the Kentucky Science Center for FFA members, according to producer/director Conrad Weaver, who talked to students about it and answered their …

Audio, FFA, Harvest, New Holland, Wheat

2014 World Food Prize Honors Dr. Sanjaya Rajaram

Joanna Schroeder

The 2014 World Food Prize was awarded on World Food Day, October 16, 2014 to Dr. Sanjaya Rajaram, a wheat breeder who has developed more than 400 varieties of the crop. Born in a small village in India and now citizen of Mexico, Dr. Rajaram conducted the majority of his research in Mexico at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement …

Food, Wheat, World Food Prize

New Holland Agriculture Claims World Record

Jamie Johansen

New Holland Agriculture has reclaimed the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title, harvesting an impressive 797.656 tonnes (29,308.84 bushels) of wheat in eight hours with the world’s most powerful combine: the 653 hp CR10.90 Elevation. “We are extremely proud to have recaptured the Guinness World Records title for harvesting almost 30,000 bushels of wheat in eight hours, shattering the previous record by …

Agribusiness, Equipment, Harvest, New Holland, Wheat

Corn Stocks Up, Soybeans Down

Cindy Zimmerman

There’s more corn in the bins than there was a year ago at this time. USDA’s newest Grain Stocks report shows 1.24 billion bushels of old crop corn in all positions as of September 1, up 50 percent from the same time last year. The report from the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) found less soybean stocks than a year …

Audio, Corn, Soybean, USDA, Wheat

The Great American Wheat Harvest New DVD Cover

Jamie Johansen

The team behind The Great American Wheat Harvest are excited to announce their new DVD & Blu-ray cover. The cover features harvesters Jim Deibert and Rob Turkington “Turk” checking a wheat field in South Dakota. They have also secured DVD distribution for Ireland and the UK, and are finalizing DVD distribution in Australia and New Zealand. Once these are ready …

Ag Groups, Harvest, Video, Wheat

Great American Wheat Harvest Update

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast and thank you GROWMARK for continuing to be the sponsor for this podcast which is now on weekly episode 451! This week we’re going to get an update on the Great American Wheat Harvest documentary film from producer/director Conrad Weaver. Conrad’s film is helping educate the non-farm community all over the country about where …

Audio, Education, Harvest, Wheat, ZimmCast

Wheat Harvest Documentary Reviews

Cindy Zimmerman

We talked with a couple of the people at the showing last month of “The Great American Wheat Harvest” in Bismark, North Dakota and everyone seemed to give it two thumbs up. “I think it will open people’s eyes if they see it as to how the whole industry works,” said Zack, a custom harvester from Girard, Kansas who was …

Audio, New Holland, Wheat

Wheat Growers Pleased with Documentary

Cindy Zimmerman

The North Dakota Wheat Commission is one of the sponsors of the documentary “The Great American Wheat Harvest” which had a special showing in Bismark last month, and they seemed pretty pleased with the outcome. “It’s primarily focused on the harvest element,” said NDWC administrator Neal Fisher after watching the finished product. “(But) there’s a very human, family element in …

Audio, New Holland, Wheat