2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

First USDA Crop Estimates

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA’s May World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate report released today includes the first estimates for crop production this year. Overall, the report is projecting wheat production to be higher and corn and soybeans lower this season. All wheat production is projected at 2,087 million bushels, up 3 percent. Corn production is projected at 13.6 billion bushels, down 586 million …

Corn, NCGA, Soybean, USDA, Wheat

GROWMARK Crop Update

Cindy Zimmerman

Another 10% of the nation’s corn crop was planted last week, bringing the total now a couple of points ahead of last year but still behind the five year average. According to the latest progress report from USDA, farmers now have 19% of the corn crop in the ground and two percent has emerged, most of it in non-Corn Belt …

Audio, Corn, GROWMARK, Wheat

BASF to Sponsor Wheat Yield Contest

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Crop Protection and the National Wheat Foundation had a big announcement at the 2015 Commodity Classic – the creation and implementation of a National Wheat Yield Contest. “We appreciate the generous support of our primary industry partner, BASF, to assist in the creation of this program,” said NWF Chairman Dusty Tallman of Colorado. “We are looking forward to this …

Audio, BASF, Wheat

#Classic15 Pocket Knife Ribbon Cutting

Cindy Zimmerman

Normally we video the opening ceremonies for the Commodity Classic trade show, but we were a little shorthanded this year so it was just photos. Fortunately, our gold star intern Taylor Truckey recorded enough of a sequence to enjoy the moment as the ribbon cutters were having a hard time with some dull scissors and it came down to a …

Commodity Classic, Corn, sorghum, Soybean, Video, Wheat

#Classic15 Presidents

Cindy Zimmerman

The tradition of Commodity Classic emcee Mark Mayfield interviewing the presidents of each organization continued this year. Left to right are Mayfield, National Sorghum Producers chairman JB Stewart of Oklahoma, National Association of Wheat Growers president Paul Penner of Kansas, American Soybean Association president Wade Cowan of Texas, and National Corn Growers Association president Chip Bowling of Maryland. Listen to …

ASA, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, NCGA, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat

Sec. Vilsack Addresses 2015 Commodity Classic

Taylor Truckey

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack spoke to over 7000 agricultural producers and industry members during his 6th appearance at Commodity Classic on Friday. Sec. Vilsack began by stating that he “was in the presence of greatness” and went on to thank farmers for all that they do on a daily basis. He also thanked farmers for their work on the …

Agribusiness, Commodity Classic, Corn, NCGA, sorghum, Soybean, Trade, USDA, Wheat

Commodity Classic Groups Meet the Press

Cindy Zimmerman

Trade, taxes, biotechnology, farm policy and government regulations are the main issues of concern to the commodity organizations who make up the Commodity Classic. Leadership of the American Soybean Association (ASA), National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG), and National Sorghum Producers (NSP) all held press conferences Thursday to talk about their top priorities. Under the …

ASA, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, NCGA, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat

Phoenix Welcomes 2015 Commodity Classic

Taylor Truckey

A record number of farmers and exhibitors from all over the country have descended on Phoenix for the 20th Commodity Classic – the annual event for corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum producers. The massive trade show at the event is the largest ever with 355 booths – a record by a large margin according to the Commodity Classic officials. Attendance …

Ag Groups, Commodity Classic, NCGA, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat

BASF Awards SOY, Corn and Wheat Scholarships

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Crop Protection made 10 students pursuing agricultural degrees very happy today with the presentation of scholarships at the 2015 Commodity Classic, in partnership with the American Soybean Association (ASA), the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) and the National Wheat Foundation (NWF). “Investing in the future is how the agricultural industry can sustain success,” said Neil Bentley, Director of Marketing, …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, Education, Soybean, Wheat

Policy in Focus at #Classic15

Cindy Zimmerman

Corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum growers from all over the country are heading to Phoenix this week for the 20th annual Commodity Classic convention and trade show. “Commodity Classic gives us the opportunity not just to celebrate great work, meet with friends and learn about new products and services, it allows growers to get together in one place to shape …

Ag Groups, Commodity Classic, Corn, NCGA, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat