The CSS in ASTA CSS & Seed Expo stands for corn, soybeans and sorghum, but in recent years a little wheat has crept into the rotation. “Hybrid Wheat – What is Different This Time?” was the title of the last session at the 2020 Seed Expo, featuring a panel of experts from the world of wheat. One of them was …
2021 Commodity Classic Will Be Virtual
Even though we all expected it, the news is still sad. Commodity Classic will be virtual in 2021. The annual conference and trade show was originally scheduled for March 4-6, 2021, in San Antonio, Texas. The new format is expected to be offered the first week in March 2021. The 2022 Commodity Classic will be held in New Orleans on …
All Ag All Day Reports From DC
Thanks to COVID, there have been few opportunities for in-person visits on Capitol Hill but farm broadcaster Tony Ricketts spent all last week on the 4th Annual All Ag, All Day DC Capitol Ag Tour. Ricketts met with members of Congress, including the House Ag Committee, and agricultural industry leaders to discuss important topics such as trade, infrastructure, broadband, and …
Planted Acreage up for Corn and Soybeans
USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is estimating 92.0 million acres of corn planted in the United States for 2020, up three percent from last year, according to the Acreage report released Tuesday. Soybean area planted is estimated at 83.8 million acres, up 10% from last year. The report also shows wheat and cotton acres are down this year. All …
Seeing Our Future Clearly at 2020 Commodity Classic
Thanks to a #Classic20 attendee for helping me with this photo outside the convention center in San Antonio. It’s kind of like déjà vu since the weather was pretty nice yesterday and now we’ve got a wind warning and temps dropping into the 20’s tonight. Same thing happened at the Cattle Industry Convention just 3 weeks ago. I’m getting ready …
Next Generation Wheat Markets
A panel at the 2019 American Seed Trade Association CSS & Seed Expo dove deeper into the subject of next generation wheat markets. Mark Gold of Top Third Ag Marketing discussed wheat trends, while Jeff Koscelny of Bayer tackled adding value to wheat. Jody Pollok-Newson with the Michigan Wheat Program shared more information about private/public wheat partnerships. Listen to each …
WASDE Lowers Wheat, Corn and Soybean Forecasts
The latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report from USDA has lower production and reduced use in the outlook for wheat, corn and soybeans. Wheat supplies are decreased 42 million bushels, based on updated production estimates for the states resurveyed following the NASS Small Grains Summary, issued September 30. Adjustments to production in these States, where significant acreage …
Sustainable Cotton, Wheat Hybrids and More from BASF
BASF continues to innovate in a number of agricultural spaces, including a sustainable cotton program. Working with Wrangler and other companies, products like blue jeans branded as “Rooted” can be documented as being grown through sustainable practices. “All this cotton is grown by a system of documented sustainability which we help growers with. They, through a farm management system, record …
Farmers Expected to Plant More Corn, Record Low Wheat
More corn, but less soybeans, wheat and cotton is USDA’s forecast for Prospective Plantings this season. The report released on Friday puts corn planted acres for this year at 92.8 million acres, up 4 percent or 3.66 million acres from last year. Soybean planted area for 2019 is estimated at 84.6 million acres, down 5 percent from last year. All …
BASF at #Classic19
As it has for many years, BASF once again partnered with the American Soybean Association (ASA), the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), the National Sorghum Foundation (NSF) and the National Wheat Foundation (NWF) to award $20,000 in academic scholarships to 11 agriculture industry students. Jessica Olson of Warren, Minnesota received the $5000 2019–2020 ASA Soy Scholarship. NCGA presented scholarships to …