BASF Stamina F3 Cereals Seed Treatment Receives EPA registration

Cindy Zimmerman

Stamina® F3 Cereals fungicide from BASF Crop Protection has received EPA registration for seed treatment use on small grains, including wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale. “Stamina F3 Cereals arms our growers with an effective seed treatment for their small grain seedlings,” said Don Guy, Marketing Manager, BASF Cereals Portfolio. “As one of our SeedSolutions treatments in our cereals offering, …

BASF, Seed, Wheat

USDA Releases 2011 Prospective Plantings Report

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA expects more corn, wheat and cotton to be planted this year, but slightly less soybeans, according to the Prospective Plantings report released this morning. Corn growers intend to plant 92.2 million acres of corn for all purposes this year, up 5 percent from last year and 7 percent higher than in 2009. If realized, this will be the second …

Audio, Corn, Cotton, Soybean, USDA, Wheat

A Record-Setting Commodity Classic

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2011 Commodity Classic is one for the record books. Attendance at the annual meeting of corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum growers shattered previous records. Total attendance was more than 4826, breaking the previous record at Nashville three years ago by almost 300. Total number of growers was over 1600, compared to the previous record of 1513 in 2009 in …

ASA, Commodity Classic, Corn, NCGA, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat

UC Davis Wins $40M in Ag Grants

Joanna Schroeder

UC Davis has won $40 million in federal grants to develop climate-change-tolerant plants and plants better suited to produce fuel. UC Davis scientists, who will led the various projects, will work with researchers at more than 50 universities spanning 20 states. UC Davis wheat geneticist Jorge Dubcovsky will receive $25 million to head a team that will work to develop …

Biofuels, Research, Wheat

Poking Fun At Canadian Wheat Board

Chuck Zimmerman

After seeing a retweet this morning from FarmerNation I found this video posted that is a very tongue in cheek criticism of the Canadian Wheat Board. It’s on YouTube and the FarmerNation site and comments can be left and have been. I have no position on this but have to say that this video is hilarious regardless of which side …

International, Wheat

Urban Wheat Field

Chuck Zimmerman

If you can’t take policy makers to the field then take the field to the policy makers. On Thursday, September 23rd and Friday, September 24th a live wheat field, approximately one quarter of an acre in size, will sprout from the streets of the nation’s capital in an effort to promote food literacy via farm-to-fork wheat education. The North Dakota …

Ag Groups, Farm Policy, Wheat

BASF Receives Approval for New Fungicide Seed Treatment

Cindy Zimmerman

Charter® F2 fungicide seed treatment has received registration from the Environmental Protection Agency, according to BASF Crop Protection. “Charter F2 combines the benefits of Charter® fungicide seed treatment and AcquireTM fungicide seed treatment for convenience of use and excellent seed safety whether applied on-farm or commercially,” said Chris Exton, Marketing Manager, Seed Treatments for BASF Crop Protection. “Charter F2 is …

BASF, Wheat

Growers Give Stoller a “Green” Thumb of Approval

Joanna Schroeder

There was a lot to see and hear about at Commodity Classic but maybe the best testimonials for a product are the growers themselves. I spent a little time with two growers who gave several Stoller USA products their stamp of approval. Why? Because they have seen significant increase to their yields. Ken Miller, both a grower and ag retailer …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, Soybean, Wheat

Sustainable Definitions

Chuck Zimmerman

Can you define sustainability? Neither can I. But that was the first task of the panel discussion of commodity group leaders this morning at Commodity Classic. Moderated by Mark Mayfield, the panel discussed what sustainability means to them. Panelists included: Darrin Ihnen, President, NCGA, Rob Joslin, President, ASA, Karl Scronce, President, NAWG and Gerald Simonsen, Chairman, NSP. You’ll hear the …

Ag Groups, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, NCGA, sorghum, Soybean, Sustainability, Wheat

Exports Vital To Wheat Growers

Chuck Zimmerman

National Association of Wheat Growers President, Karl Scronce had his turn with Mark Mayfield on stage here at Commodity Classic. Exports and trade was the first subject to come up in the interview. Karl says exports are vitally important and the U.S. is the biggest exporter in the world. He says trade has been very sporadic depending on the time …

Ag Groups, Audio, Commodity Classic, Wheat