2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Grower Recommendations from FMC

Chuck Zimmerman

The Golden ZimmComm Microphone got a good workout during the Ag Media Summit. Thanks to Paul Redhage, FMC, for taking this photo of me interviewing Len Dobbins, eBusiness/CRM Manager at FMC Corporation. I think Len has a little bit of the AgNerd in him. In our interview we talked about responsive website design for example. I asked him what FMC …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio, FMC, weed management

NCGA Joins USB, Taking Action on Weeds

Jamie Johansen

The National Corn Growers Association has added a new “Take Action on Weeds” section to its website as a resource of farmers combating herbicide resistance issues. This resource, developed by the United Soybean Board through its Take Action program, offers a wide array of information developed over several years to help farmers combat weed resistance through best management practices. “The …

Ag Groups, Corn, NCGA, Soybean, USB, weed management

Syngenta’s New Acuron Herbicide Brand Signature

Jamie Johansen

As Acuron™ corn herbicide (SYN-A197) from Syngenta moves toward expected EPA registration for the 2015 growing season, the unveiling of the brand signature is the latest milestone in the herbicide’s development. Within the Acuron signature, four inverted triangles adjoin to create a star. Each triangle represents the herbicide’s four active ingredients, including new bicyclopyrone. Syngenta developed the star icon to …

Agribusiness, Herbicide, Syngenta, weed management

BASF: Knowing the Enemy is Key in Weed War

Cindy Zimmerman

The first defense in the war against weeds is knowing the enemy, according to BASF Crop Protection. A recent BASF survey found that 76 percent of growers have made changes to their weed management programs to address weed resistance and proper weed identification is fundamental to any effective control program. “The first step in weed control is to know your …

Agribusiness, BASF, Farming, weed management

BASF Fights Weed Resistance in Colorado

Leah Guffey

At the BASF “Science Behind the Advanced Acre” media event before Commodity Classic a few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to learn more about how BASF helps farmers in various parts of the country. Bob Leisy is a business representative with BASF based in Eastern Colorado. He works with retailers and crop consultants, helping them help local growers, like …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, Herbicide, weed management

BASF Sharpen Gets Registration for Rice

Cindy Zimmerman

Rice growers now have a new weapon in the fight against tough weeds such as hemp sesbania, morning glory, and Texasweed. BASF has received federal registration of Sharpen® herbicide for both pre- and post-emergence applications on rice to allow for flexible control of broadleaf weeds. “This is a herbicide that offers growers broad-spectrum control on broadleaf weeds,” said Eric Webster, …

Agribusiness, BASF, Crop Protection, Rice, weed management

Living Without Regrets: Managing Weed Resistance

John Davis

It seems like a pretty common sense idea in weed management: cleaner soybean fields will equal better yields when harvest time comes around. But Bryan Young, a professor of weed science from Purdue University who conducted the BASF-sponsored learning session, “Clean Fields, High Yields: The Keys to Solving Your Weed Problems in 2014,” at Commodity Classic told the farmers attending …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, weed management

Two No-Till Products of the Year from BASF

Cindy Zimmerman

No-till farmers gave top honors to BASF products Headline AMP® fungicide and Sharpen® herbicide at the recent 22nd Annual National No-Tillage Conference in Springfield, Illinois. This is the eighth consecutive win for Headline AMP fungicide in the top fungicide product category. Headline AMP fungicide is labeled for corn application. On-farm field trials from 2013 show Headline AMP fungicide delivers 11.7 …

Agribusiness, BASF, Crop Protection, weed management

Get Maxx Authority from FMC

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s almost time for some serious planting to get underway across the country. That means it is also time for farmers to start thinking about how they’re going to handle weed control, especially in light of concerns over weed resistance. FMC has a new option this season to think about. It’s their Authority Maxx product that received EPA registration last …

Agribusiness, Audio, FMC, National Farm Machinery Show, weed management

Weed Control for Soybean Growers

Talia Goes

FMC Agricultural Solutions announces a new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) crop registration of its Anthem SE herbicide now for use on soybeans. Anthem herbicide offers both corn and soybean growers control of broadleaf weeds and grasses with flexible application timing up to 45 days preplant, preemergence and early postemergence. Introduced for corn in fall of 2012, Anthem herbicide provides powerful …

Agribusiness, FMC, weed management