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Bayer Advocates Zero Tolerance Approach to Weeds

Cindy Zimmerman

When it comes to Palmer amaranth and waterhemp, Bayer experts say anything less than 100 percent control risks corn yields in the future because just one of either of those weeds can produce 500,000 to one million seeds for next season. “Growers should take a holistic approach to managing Palmer amaranth and waterhemp,” said Frank Rittemann, selective corn herbicides product …

Audio, Bayer, Corn, Farm Progress Show, weed management

BASF launches Credenz with LibertyLink GT27

Cindy Zimmerman

At the 2018 Farm Progress Show, BASF launched Credenz® soybean with LibertyLink® GT27™, the first soybean seed technology with herbicide-tolerant stacked traits that allows growers to apply both Liberty® herbicide and glyphosate over the top of soybeans for post-emergence control of broadleaf and grass weeds. “It’s very exciting for the Credenz brand,” said Marc Hoobler, BASF Soybean Agronomy Lead. “We’re …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Farm Progress Show, weed management

Liberty Weed Control Guarantee Returns

Cindy Zimmerman

For the second year, Bayer is offering the Liberty® Weed Control Guarantee on the effective weed control of Liberty herbicide. Heading into the 2018 season, growers who use Liberty can look forward to clean fields, thanks to the herbicide’s effective weed control and the guarantee. To qualify, growers must talk to their retailer about local requirements and S.T.O.P. Weeds with …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic, weed management

ARA Explores Lessons Learned From Dicamba

Cindy Zimmerman

Two respected weed scientists presented their views on the lessons learned from this year’s introduction of new dicamba formulations for control of resistant weeds at a pre-conference workshop for the Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) this week. Dr. Ford Baldwin, Practical Weed Consultants, was extension weed scientist at the University of Arkansas for 28 years. Dr. Stanley Culpepper is a professor …

AgWired Precision, ARA, Crop Protection, Herbicide, weed management

Survey Shows LibertyLink System Rates Highest With Growers

Cindy Zimmerman

Results from an independent market research survey of growers in 21 states conducted by Kynetec have found that the LibertyLink® system by Bayer was the highest rated trait platform of the year. The study found that 97 percent of growers who planted LibertyLink this year rated it “good” to “excellent,” beating out both new and established platforms currently on the …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Soybean, weed management

Arkansas Urged to Consider Impact of Dicamba Ban

Cindy Zimmerman

The Arkansas State Plant Board is considering recommendations for dicamba use in the 2018 growing season that Monsanto calls “unwarranted” and BASF considers to be a “rush to judgement.” On August 24, the state’s Dicamba Task Force voted to recommend a cutoff date of April 15 next year for the use of all dicamba products, including Monsanto’s XtendiMax and BASF’s …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Soybean, weed management

No Weed Left Behind with DiFlexx DUO

Jamie Johansen

Challenges with resistant weeds were still seen across the country this season. However, Bayer CropScience believes these resistant weeds have met their match with a new herbicide introduced before the 2017 season. We visited with Frank Rittemann, selective corn herbicides product manager at Bayer, last week at the Farm Progress Show to learn more about the key benefits of DiFlexx® …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Crop Science, Farm Progress Show, Herbicide, weed management

Bayer Cereals Portfolio on Display in North Dakota

Chuck Zimmerman

The Cereals portfolio for Bayer was on display during the Showcase Plot Tour near Minot, ND. Our presenter, Kevin Thorsness, Technical Services Representative, Bayer Cereals portfolio, gave a very good overview of products for this segment. Specific products we could see being used in the plots included Varro, Huskie Complete, Olympus and Wolverine Advanced. These products target different type of …

Audio, Bayer, weed management

FMC Command® 3ME is Tops for Rice Growers

Chuck Zimmerman

Command® 3ME herbicide remains the South’s number one preemergence solution for protecting rice production from annual grasses despite recent entries into the market, according to FMC tech service rep Don Johnson in Mississippi. “We’ve been on the marketplace for rice growers in the Delta region for 16 years now,” said Johnson during an interview at the 2017 Farm and Gin …

Audio, FMC, Rice, weed management