GMO Infographic Shows Impact on Water Conservation

Jamie Johansen

GMO Answers released a new infographic to educate consumers about how GMOs help conserve water usage in agriculture in honor of World Water Week. Water is one of the most important factors in producing food, fuel and fiber, and preserving water is critical to agriculture’s sustainability. With changing weather patterns and an increased number of widespread droughts – water conservation …

Ag Groups, Food, GMO, Precision Agriculture, Water

Grad Student Talks Community Approach to Sustainability

Lizzy Schultz

Water sustainability was the topic at the most recent Food Dialogues event from the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA), and while much of the discussion focused on the concerns facing our environment and the quality of the nation’s natural water resources, panelist Vanessa Perry had a different conservation to bring to the table. Perry, a PhD student in the …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Conservation, Environment, Sustainability, USFRA, Water

#FoodDialogues to Celebrate MN #Water

Cindy Zimmerman

If there is one issue that impacts everyone on the planet, it is water. That’s why the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) in collaboration with the Farm and Food Alliance of Minnesota, will host a Food Dialogues next week in Minneapolis called “A Celebration of Minnesota’s Waters.” “We’re addressing this as a celebration of water but also working to …

Audio, Food, USFRA, Water

USFRA to Host Dialogue on Water Quality

Joanna Schroeder

On Tuesday, July 26, 2016, the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) in collaboration with the Farm and Food Alliance of Minnesota, will host a panel discussion, “A Celebration of Minnesota’s Waters,” on water quality and surrounding issues. The goal of the Dialogue is to share successful tools and tactics being used by farmers to reduce run-off, improve water quality …

Education, Environment, USFRA, Water

Bayer and Planetary Resources Intend to Collaborate

Kelly Marshall

Bayer has signed memorandum of understanding with aerospace technology company Planetary Resources.  The document says Bayer intends to purchase data from Planetary Resources for the purpose of creating new agricultural products and improving existing ones. Using the combined technologies from the two companies, farmers can time their irrigation systems much better to save water, receive planting date recommendations and re-planting advice, …

Agribusiness, Bayer, data, Research, Water

Farm Bureau Celebrates Supreme Court Victory

Kelly Marshall

A unanimous Supreme Court ruling was handed down yesterday.  The law of the land says landowners may challenge the federal government and the Army Corps of Engineers over improper regulations designed to protect water. Landowners have attempted many times to challenge Corps rulings known as jurisdictional determinations, but the government successfully argued that those determinations were not “final agency actions” …

AFBF, Ag Groups, EPA, Water

McCornick Named Water for Food Executive Director

Kelly Marshall

The Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska has announced a new executive director. Peter G. McCornick, an expert recognized internationally for his research in water, food, and the environment, will be taking the reins for the institute on September 1. Currently McCornick is serving as the deputy director general for the International Water Management …

Ag Groups, Research, Water

Thirsty Land Needs Support for Debut

Kelly Marshall

These days you can find Conrad Weaver hunkered down in his editing room, frantically putting the final touches on a project a long time in the making.  His documentary, Thirsty Land, is scheduled to debut at the Water for Food global conference on April 24th.  Its impact is sure to reach across the nation. The project tells the story of the importance …

Audio, Water

UNL and AgIsAmerica Host Twitter Town Hall

Kelly Marshall

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UNL-IANR) and  Agriculture is America (AgIsAmerica) are partnering together to host a Twitter Town Hall on Friday, March 4th from 2 pm – 3 pm ET/ 1pm – 2pm CT. Scientists, researchers, and Extension educators will answer questions regarding UNL-IANR’s role in the advancement of agricultural science and agricultural technological innovation. …

Ag Groups, Education, Water