Blog Action Day

Chuck Zimmerman

Speaking of blogs. It’s Blog Action Day. I guess someone who has a lot of time on their hands wants to make sure we have something to write about. It’s supposed to be the “Environment.” Well, since I think farmers are the original and best environmentalists here’s my contribution. They’ve got a nice little YouTube promo in case you’re interested. …


National Dairy Animal Well-Being Initiative Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

This morning at World Dairy Expo a producer-led coalition of dairy groups and companies announced the National Dairy Animal Well-Being Initiative. They’re proposing dairy animal well-being guidelines and principles. The effort held a press conference with several speakers. One of the groups participating in the effort is the National Milk Producers Federation. I spoke with their Senior Vice President of …

Ag Groups, Audio, Wackos, World Dairy Expo

OECD-FAO Assumption Outlook

Chuck Zimmerman

The more information I receive and read from the FAO, the more I’m disillusioned with the whole organization. I think there’s a lot of well-meaning people there but between them and the Organization for Economic Co-operation (OECD) I’m now more inclined to put them in the whacko classification. Take their “OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook – 2007-2016” report that’s already being quoted …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, International, Wackos

Farm Bill Food Battle Video

Chuck Zimmerman

In the never ending push by whacko groups to impact American production agriculture there’s a new video out from the folks at Free Range Studios. It’s called The Farm Bill Food Battle. It looks like the same folks who brought us The Meatrix and other humorous but so off base productions. They demonstrate great creativity as I’ve pointed out before. …

Farm Policy, Wackos

Are You On The Factory Farm Map?

Chuck Zimmerman

While I was attending the Cattle Industry Summer Conference someone said to me that one of the biggest dangers facing livestock producers in this country are the animal rights activists. I don’t know about you but it seems to me like they’re getting more aggressive and I guess fooling a lot of people out of their money in the process. …

Environment, Farming, Food, Wackos