RFA Ethanol Podcast

Infrared Grain Testing

Chuck Zimmerman

When the U.S. Grains Council Corn Mission team visited a feed mill this morning owned by the Hamoudeh Group they saw some state of the art grain testing. The company has infrared grain testing equipment which quickly analyzes a sample and provides a printout of a number of the qualities most important to them. You can see a sample being …

Corn, Grains, International, USGC, Video

Egytian Dairy Tour

Chuck Zimmerman

The final visit for the U.S. Grains Council Corn Mission team was a dairy farm in Egypt. This is the Mirhom Farag Farm, owned by Suzanne Basilios. In the video we walk through the dairy with the farm manager so you can see how the animals are kept in open lots. They are feeding hay and a lot of corn …

Dairy, USGC, Video

Moroccan Market

Chuck Zimmerman

Only the seasoned professional agriblogger can handle taking photos, conducting interviews and shooting video clips, then editing them, uploading them and getting them posted, especially in a foreign country. Video is the toughest part. Listen to the muezzin call during midday prayers while the U.S. Grains Council Corn Mission walked through a market in Casablanca, Morocco.

USGC, Video

On The Road In Morocco

Chuck Zimmerman

While we get back on the road in Morocco today to the capital city of Rabat and visits with the Ministry of Agriculture I thought you might like to see what the country looked like from the road. Here’s a short video clip in which you can hear U.S. Grains Council Consultant Mustapha El Youssoufi, doing the play by play. …

Ag Groups, International, USGC, Video

The Movement to Mechanized Sugarcane Harvesting in Brazil

Joanna Schroeder

I recently had the opportunity to go to Brazil to learn more about the sugarcane ethanol industry. While there, I also learned about several agricultural initiatives, including the country’s move to mechanized sugarcane harvesting. In the past, the sugarcane was harvested through what is widely known as slash and burn. Not only is this harmful to the environment, but not …

Equipment, Ethanol, Farm Machinery, Video

Genotyping With Fluidigm

Chuck Zimmerman

With a title like Director of Molecular Biology you might think that it would be hard for a non-technical person to carry on a conversation with Ramesh Ramakrishna. Not so. Ramesh works for Fluidigm Corporation and is my latest interview in the series we’re doing to introduce the agribusiness world to their break through research technology. In our interview you’ll …

Agribusiness, Audio, Biotech, Research, Video

Social Media ROI

Chuck Zimmerman

Since I was just on the subject of social media I thought you might enjoy this video that kind of puts it all into perspective for you unbelievers. You know who you are. You’re probably the same people wondering if farmers will ever use the internet or if it’s just a passing fad. You’ll find lots of great examples in …

Social Networking, Video