A Milestone In The Broadcasters Letter

Chuck Zimmerman

USDA's Broadcaster LetterI’d like to thank my good friend Larry Quinn, Assistant Director
Office of Communications, USDA for mentioning us and AgWired in his “milestones” listing in the latest issue of his weekly “Broadcasters Letter”. Larry is one of the people who makes dealing with the government enjoyable. In fact, all the people in the USDA communications department are very friendly and will go out of their way to help you out.

USDA, ZimmCast

Soybean Sun Protection

Chuck Zimmerman

ARS Photo - Soybean PlantThis is an interesting story since it was put out by the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service. I can’t find this iSOY Technology Corporation online anywhere though. It’s nice that they’ve made this announcement but it leaves you with very little information and in my quick search I couldn’t find much either.