USDA Broadband Loan Lawsuit

Chuck Zimmerman

Not everyone is happy with the way USDA’s Rural Development office is doling out rural broadband loans. According to a story on C/net yesterday, the department is being sued by Mediacom Communications, the same company supplying us with our high speed access. Apparently a competitor (Lisco) in Fairfield, IA received a low interest loan to develop a system in a community that already has 2 other providers.

Internet, USDA

More Rural Broadband Development

Chuck Zimmerman

USDA Rural DevelopmentHere’s an example of what USDA is doing to help improve rural broadband internet access. The Rural Development Broadband Access Loan program is providing the funds. USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development, Tom Dorr had this to say. “Broadband can help to put rural communities on a level playing field when competing with bigger cities for new residents and businesses,” said Dorr. “When people can live in smaller communities that have a higher quality of life and still compete globally, that presents a great opportunity for rural America.”

Internet, USDA