2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Mizzou Capstone Class

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m going to be adding to this post later today. Right now I’m just posting as a demo for this class. I told you I’d update this post and I’ve still got a YouTube clip to add which I’m editing right now. Bill Allen invited me in to talk to his Ag Journalism Capstone class today since they’ve now all …

University, Video

eXtension Has Cotton

Chuck Zimmerman

You are probably familiar with the eXtension website but you may not know that there’s now a whole section on cotton. eXtension is an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from the smartest land-grant university minds across America. eXtension connects knowledge consumers with knowledge providers – experts who know their subject matter inside out.

Internet, University

New ISU Precision Ag Lab

Chuck Zimmerman

Iowa State University has a new precision ag lab thanks to Ag Leader Technology. Pictured from left to right are: Dr. Thomas Brumm, Associate Professor, ISU, Dr. U. Sunday Tim, Associate Professor, ISU, Dr. Ramesh Kanwar, ABE Department Chair, ISU Al Myers, President, Ag Leader Technology, Michael Vos, Software Sales Manager, Ag Leader Technology. Ag Leader Technology, Inc. has donated …

Agribusiness, Precision Agriculture, University

Carl Winter’s Food Safety Music

Chuck Zimmerman

How about a little food safety music to start your day? This is from Carl Winter at the University of California – Davis. He’s got several food safety themed songs available including lyrics and a powerpoint presentation. I thought you’d enjoy the USDA song. People, there’s no need to despair If you’re worried ‘bout your food, land, and air I …

Audio, University, USDA

Beef U

Laura McNamara

The course objective: get more beef on more menus. The Beef Checkoff Program launched “Beef University“, earlier this year to offer the food service industry more education on beef. Beef Checkoff has partnered with Taco Bell, Boston Market and Quizno’s in the program to promote beef in food options outside the home. “Beef University” is a two cd set that …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Beef, Education, Food, University

Tomato King Will Receive World Food Prize

Chuck Zimmerman

Although it was announced in June, Dr. Philip Nelson will formally receive his World Food Prize tomorrow at the Iowa State Capitol as part of the World Food Prize’s Norman E. Borlaug International Symposium. The theme of it is “Biofuels and Biofood: The Global Challenges of Emerging Technologies.” Is there anyone not holding a conference with biofuels and food as …

Ag Groups, Food, University

Defending Japanese Ag Trade Policies

Chuck Zimmerman

When you attend these IFAJ conventions it’s interesting to hear from the policy leaders on the program. I’ve found that it’s very normal to have someone on the program to defend policy practices, especially when it comes to foreign trade and the WTO. This was certainly the case here when we heard from Nobuhiro Suzuki, Department of Global Agricultural Sciences, …

IFAJ, Pioneer, University

New Media Class Demo Post

Chuck Zimmerman

Okay. Here’s our first in class post and this is the cohort, as Owen Roberts calls it. Right now we’re doing this post as a demo of how to write in WordPress. Coming up soon everyone is going to create their own blog. This boring sentence is being typed to create more text to wrap around this picture.
