RFA Ethanol Podcast

Immigration Reform Action Day

Cindy Zimmerman

A coalition of leading business, manufacturing, and agriculture groups – including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Partnership for a New American Economy, Business Roundtable, the American Farm Bureau Federation, AmericanHort, the National Association of Manufacturers, and Western Growers – held a Day of Action for immigration reform today. The group held a national press conference in Washington and events in …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, labor, specialty crops

BASF Merivon Fungicide for Specialty Crops

Cindy Zimmerman

We learned more about BASF Merivon® fungicide at the company’s recent media event from Scott Walker, biology project leader. “We have gotten federal registration for expansion of Merivon on specialty crops,” Walker told us during a stop on the tour of the BASF research farm in North Carolina. “It includes strawberries, fruit and tree nuts, leafy vegetables like lettuce and …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, specialty crops

Meet ASTA’s New Second Vice Chair

Cindy Zimmerman

Mark Herrmann with Monsanto’s vegetable seed division is the new second vice chair of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) after elections held during the annual meeting last week in Indianapolis. “The seed industry has been an exciting place to be for the last 30 years,” said Herrmann, who has been involved with ASTA for about 20 of those 30 …

ASTA, Audio, Seed, specialty crops

BASF Confirms New Fungicide Mode of Action

Cindy Zimmerman

Specialty crop producers can take advantage of a new unique class of fungicide that provides two modes of action to manage fungal resistance. BASF researchers have confirmed the discovery of a unique binding mechanism in Initium® fungicide, a key component of Zampro® fungicide, currently available for sale in the U.S. This means that Zampro fungicide is the first, and currently …

Agribusiness, BASF, Crop Protection, specialty crops

Visit to a German Vineyard

Cindy Zimmerman

As everyone in the United States was waking this morning to a political battle and a government shutdown, a few lucky U.S. agricultural journalists were enjoying a day in the countryside of central Germany topped by a fabulous luncheon and delicious wine that came from the vineyard we toured, courtesy of our friends with BASF Crop Protection. Our guide for …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, specialty crops

Iowa Accepting Grant Applications for Specialty Crops

Joanna Schroeder

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey has announced that the IA Dept. of Ag is accepting grant applications for the Specialty Crop Block program. The estimated $271,000 grants are available to support projects that enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops grown in Iowa and are contingent on federal funds being made available to the Department. Grant awards will be considered …

Farming, specialty crops, Vegetables

BASF Presents Research on New Fungicides

Cindy Zimmerman

Last year at Commodity Classic, the buzz from BASF Crop Protection was the new fungicide chemistry Xemium. This year it’s new products incorporating that chemistry. With the results of field trials from the 2011 season now available, three years of research show Priaxor™ fungicide and Merivon® fungicide provided effective disease control and consistent yield increases in a wide range of …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, Soybean, specialty crops