2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

United Soybean Board Answering Grower Questions

Chuck Zimmerman

How will the wet fall impact this year’s prices? How can I use social media to promote my farm? What are our competitors in Brazil doing right now? These are all questions you’ll find answered on the United Soybean Board’s Expert Advice Column. It’s part of the newly designed website and we’ve been featuring interviews with the experts who are …

Ag Groups, Soybean, USB

South American Soybean Expert

Cindy Zimmerman

The United Soybean Board Expert Advice column this week features an update on South America from Pablo Adreani of AgriPAC Consulting. Pablo is an agronomist, journalist and trade consultant from Buenos Aires, Argentina who just happens to be in the United States this week for the American Seed Trade Association meeting in Chicago. In this week’s column, Pablo talks about …

Audio, International, Soybean, USB

Ag Outlook 2010

Amanda Nolz

This week, I’m planning to attend Ag Outlook 2010 in Sioux Falls, S.D. at the Ramkota Exhibit Hall. The theme for this year’s conference and trade show is, “Meeting the demands of the future,” and I’m excited to listen to the great lineup of speakers that the conference has to offer. Speakers include: Matt Utterback, an ag commodity market analyst; …

Ag Groups, Education, Soybean

Expert Advice From David Asbridge

Chuck Zimmerman

Let me introduce you to the David Asbridge and his United Soybean Board, Expert Advice column – Market Production Analysis & Market Outlook. David operates NPK Fertilizer Advisory Service, an independent consulting firm that covers the crop and fertilizer markets, both domestically and globally. Here’s an excerpt from his current column. The already record large U.S. soybean crop just keeps …

Ag Groups, Soybean, USB

International News About Soybeans

Chuck Zimmerman

John Baize, Baize & Associates is a regular columnist for the United Soybean Board’s Expert Advice. His company specializes in international agricultural trading and policy consulting on oilseeds and soybeans and including biotechnology policy, trade policy, agriculture policy and market development activities. In his most recent column you’ll find information about China. A lot has been said about the impact …

Ag Groups, Audio, International, Soybean, USB

Missouri Thanks Farmers and Ranchers

Cindy Zimmerman

Today is officially Thank a Farmer day in Missouri. Missouri Director of Agriculture Dr. Jon Hagler (right) visited Forck Farms near Jefferson City to present the official proclamation to Kelly Forck, a diversified crop and livestock producer who is president of the Missouri Soybean Association. “It’s an appropriate tribute to the farmers and ranchers across Missouri and across this country …

Audio, Beef, Farming, Soybean

Cruising to Commodity Classic

Cindy Zimmerman

Registration is officially open for the 2010 Commodity Classic in Anaheim, California and you better register soon because it will fill up fast. This will be the 15th annual Commodity Classic for soybean, corn, wheat and sorghum growers and their families, to be held March 4-6 right next to Disneyland. The theme for 2010 is “Cruising to Success.” Growers who …

Commodity Classic, Corn, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat

American Soybean Association Seeks Assistance for Farmers

Amanda Nolz

In a release by the American Soybean Association and published in the Delta Farm Press, the organization is hoping to assist farmers during this year’s difficult harvest. With floods, hurricanes, natural disasters and excessive rains, there are far too many fields these days with ruts in them as farmers try to harvest despite the moisture. My thoughts and prayers are …

Corn, Soybean

Teaching Social Media To Soybean Growers

Chuck Zimmerman

Let’s meet one of the columnists for the United Soybean Board’s Expert Advice. She’s our good friend from AgChat, Michele Payn-Knoper. You can find her first Expert Advice column now on the United Soybean Board website. I spoke with Michele during her recent travels via Skype to learn more about how she got involved in the project and what she …

Ag Groups, Audio, Social Networking, Soybean, USB

Soybean Growers Can Ask Questions of USB Experts

Chuck Zimmerman

This is the next installment in our series about Expert Advice from the United Soybean Board. While attending the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention I spoke with USB Treasurer Marc Curtis who farms in Mississippi. Marc serves on the USB Production Committee so he’s especially happy that the organization can offer Expert Advice to soybean growers via a regular …

Ag Groups, Audio, NAFB, Soybean, USB