Soybean Superstar Speaks at BASF Seminar

Cindy Zimmerman

You can never get enough of the always entertaining World Soybean Yield Champion Kip Cullers. During the BASF Science Behind Soybeans seminar at the 2010 Commodity Classic on Wednesday, Kip talked about the recent trip he took to Brazil and what he learned there. “The reason I went to Brazil is because, if you want to learn something, you got …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Soybean, Uncategorized

MN Soybean Grower Addresses Biodiesel Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Today’s National Biodiesel Conference general session featured National Biodiesel Board Chairman Ed Hegland. He’s completing his final term as Chairman. He started his comments by reminding everyone that today is the anniversary of daylight savings time which was created to conserve on our energy supply during World War I. It was an innovative idea then and when it comes to …

BASF, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Soybean

Soybean Man

Chuck Zimmerman

You never know what you’ll run into at a farm show. In this case it’s the Bayer CropScience Soybean Man. He didn’t talk so I didn’t interview him. Just saw him wandering around and took his picture. I’m sure that if you want to know more you’ll need to talk to your local Bayer CropScience representative. Iowa Power Farming Show …

Farm Shows, Soybean

Study Shows Environmental Benefits of Soybeans

Cindy Zimmerman

Soybeans are better than ever for the environment, which makes soy-based products greener than ever. That’s the findings of a new peer-reviewed life cycle profile just released by the United Soybean Board (USB) that documents multiple energy and environmental benefits of U.S. soybean farming and processing. “This profile is the first comprehensive life cycle study covering U.S. soybean production through …

Soybean, USB

BASF Launches Headline Training Module

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Corporation has just launched a new online training program – – to educate growers on how Headline® fungicide for maximum benefit. The training program examines the three pillars of Plant Health—disease control, stress tolerance and growth efficiency—and how Headline fungicide can best affect the most important aspects of growing a healthy plant. The audio-visual presentation also examines the …

BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, Soybean

Using Bio-Forge to Increase Soybean Yields

Joanna Schroeder

This week, during the Ag Associates Conference hosted by StollerUSA, I had the opportunity to talk with Mike Molnar, with Town and Country Ag. His company is a co-op working in nine counties in North Eastern Ohio and three of their locations provide full-service ag products and applications for growers. Molnar told me that he has been using Stoller products …

Agribusiness, Audio, Hay, Soybean, Uncategorized

Qualisoy Improving Feed for Poultry

Cindy Zimmerman

Philip Lobo and Mandy Heth are representing the Qualisoy program of the United Soybean Board here at the International Poultry Expo/International Feed Expo in Atlanta, talking to poultry producers about the ways they are working to make soybean meal even better for birds. “We’ve just recently developed a special soybean that is going to deliver a soybean that has more …

Audio, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo, Soybean, USB

Record Crop Production in 2009

Cindy Zimmerman

Despite weather challenges in 2009, American farmers produced record corn and soybean crops. According to USDA’s crop report out this morning, U.S. corn for grain production is estimated at a record 13.2 billion bushels, up 2 percent from the November 1 forecast, and 1 percent above the previous record of 13.0 billion bushels set in 2007. U.S. grain yield is …

Corn, Soybean, USDA

Headline Harvest Report from Conrad, Iowa

Cindy Zimmerman

Getting these BASF Headline harvest reports done this fall (yes, it is still fall) has been a challenge, to put it mildly. We’ve been trying desperately to get interviews set up with farmers since late October – in Iowa, Illinois and Missouri. We did okay in Missouri, but when the harvest kept getting later and the rain kept falling, it …

Audio, BASF, Corn, Soybean