Social Networking Rising

Chuck Zimmerman

PC World has an article out titled, “2009: Year of the Social Network.” In it the point is made that we saw social networks like Twitter and Facebook show that they aren’t just for techies but everyone who wants to be connected with others who share their interests. The growth in these networks has been phenomenal. Perhaps most significant is …

Social Networking

Fastline Top Ten Ag Twitter Users

Chuck Zimmerman

You know social media has become part of the ag communications world when you start seeing top ten lists like this one from Fastline (Part 1 and Part 2). I’m honored to have been selected for it and congratulate all the folks listed. There are many, many people now using social media like Twitter and all the other channels to …

Media, Social Networking

#ThankaFarmer Day

Cindy Zimmerman

If you like to eat – thank a farmer on Twitter today. On Twitter, many agriculture advocates are taking part in tweeting the hashtag #thankafarmer, and are planning to tweet today from 10 am through 12 pm CST. Twitter users are beginning to express their gratitude with a #thankafarmer twibbon. Here you can see Chuck’s Twitter pic proudly displaying his …

Social Networking

Social Media ROI

Chuck Zimmerman

Since I was just on the subject of social media I thought you might enjoy this video that kind of puts it all into perspective for you unbelievers. You know who you are. You’re probably the same people wondering if farmers will ever use the internet or if it’s just a passing fad. You’ll find lots of great examples in …

Social Networking, Video

Teaching Social Media To Soybean Growers

Chuck Zimmerman

Let’s meet one of the columnists for the United Soybean Board’s Expert Advice. She’s our good friend from AgChat, Michele Payn-Knoper. You can find her first Expert Advice column now on the United Soybean Board website. I spoke with Michele during her recent travels via Skype to learn more about how she got involved in the project and what she …

Ag Groups, Audio, Social Networking, Soybean, USB

Nicholson Kovac Veterinarian New Media Usage Study

Chuck Zimmerman

Nicholson Kovac has once again documented what agrimarketers know intuitively. This time it’s about veterinarians. The agency just released its Veterinarian New Media Usage Study. It has some interesting findings that should help make marketing decisions using new media easier to justify. The Veterinarian New Media Usage Study provides comprehensive insight on the use of new and social media among …

Agencies, Research, Social Networking

Texas Farmer Using Social Media

Chuck Zimmerman

The afternoon panel discussion at the NAMA Trends In Agriculture conference included David Cleavinger, a fifth-generation Texas farmer/rancher. He talked about how producers can use a combination of social media and personal connections to bring greater understanding of the importance of agriculture in their lives. This is part two in the Paulsen Marketing video interview series. They are also the …

Agencies, Farming, NAMA, Social Networking, Video

Why Farmers Are Using Social Media

Chuck Zimmerman

There’s a good story about farmers using social media in the Fresno Bee titled, “Facebook draws a growing crop of farmers, Many in the ag industry are using Twitter and blogs to communicate, educate.” Cindy spoke with author Robert Rodriguez and pointed him to a few other folks to contact for the story. She is quoted in the article. The …

Social Networking

Social Potatoes

Chuck Zimmerman

Baking a potato is not a difficult thing to do unless you’ve never done it before and have no idea how. There’s help for consumers now from the U.S. Potato Board. Potato classics go convenient and digital. The United States Potato Board (USPB) recently launched a campaign to help remove the time-barrier between busy moms and potatoes. It revolves around …

Ag Groups, Potato, Social Networking

Dairy Farmer Leading Social Networking Charge

Chuck Zimmerman

As more and more farmers embrace new and social media mechanisms it’s only natural that they will see them as channels to connect with and educate the consuming public. I think dairy farmers lead the way. Take Will Gilmer, Gilmer Dairy Farm, for example. He’s just started a new video series on YouTube called MooTube Minute. Additionally, he has created …

Dairy, Social Networking