2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Discussing the Future of Hi-Tech Farming

Melissa Sandfort

The U.S. agriculture industry is facing a serious problem with being able to feed a rapidly expanding global population, as well as responding to climatic changes much like the recent drought that hit the United States. Technology is now playing an ever increasing role on the farm, allowing farmers to make the most out of every acre and to prepare …

Agribusiness, Events, Precision Agriculture

Find PrecisionPays on Facebook!

Melissa Sandfort

Precision Pays is now on Facebook, delivering news and special event coverage on the topic of precision agriculture in all its forms. In fields across the country, more growers are making precision farming a way of life, no matter how large or small their operation, no matter what the crop. With increased input costs and the pressure to do more …

Agribusiness, Precision Agriculture, Social Networking

XS, Inc Testing AgVeritas on New Network Infrastructure

Chuck Zimmerman

Let’s talk big data and precision agriculture in this week’s program. Listen in on a conversation I just had with Bill Barton, Principal, XS, Inc. and Timothy P. Carroll, Sr. Network Engineer. XS, Inc. just announced a major upgrade to their storage area network (SAN) infrastructure. As a drought in the Midwest raises food prices, farming efficiency and getting the …

Agribusiness, Audio, Precision Agriculture, ZimmCast

ZimmCast with Raven Industries

Cindy Zimmerman

I had the opportunity to learn more about Raven Industries during the company’s Innovation Summit at the end of July and now I am finally getting a chance to share this interview with Matt Burkhart, Raven’s Applied Technology Division Vice President, for a ZimmCast. Raven is a fascinating company and much older than you might realize, started back in 1956 …

Audio, Precision Agriculture, ZimmCast

Monsanto FieldScripts Changing Testing Programs

Chuck Zimmerman

Monsanto’s new FieldScripts service, the first from their Integrated Farming Systems, is changing the company’s pipeline and testing programs. During our media visit at the Monsanto Huxley, IA location we learned more about this from Tracy Klingaman. In the video below you’ll see him talking in front of one of their field trial plots. Here’s how FieldScripts will work: The …

Agribusiness, Farm Progress Show, Precision Agriculture, Seed, Video

Monsanto Announces FieldScripts

Chuck Zimmerman

Prior to the start of the Farm Progress Show, Monsanto held a media briefing to announce the first product in their Integrated Farming System (IFS) – FieldScripts. On the program were Dr. Robb Fraley, Dr. Ted Crosbie, Gregg Sauder, Precision Planting and farmer Kip Tom. I’ve captured their comments for you below. This coming planting season, farmers in four Midwestern …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, Precision Agriculture

Ag Leader Technology Celebrating Twenty Years

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s an inspirational story about a man with an idea and a willingness to work hard to create a company that would not only help farmers but also support his family. He’s Al Myers, founder of Ag Leader Technology. I had the opportunity and pleasure to sit down with Al at the company’s headquarters in Ames, IA. We had a …

Ag Leader, Agribusiness, Audio, Precision Agriculture, Technology, ZimmCast

Visiting Ag Leader Technology

Chuck Zimmerman

I have spent a great afternoon visiting with my friends at Ag Leader Technology, Ames, IA, sponsors of Precision Pays.com. It is the 20 year anniversary of the founding of the company by Al Myers. In fact, I’ll have a conversation with Al to share with you soon. He’s got a fascinating story. Precision agriculture is an expanding business as …

Ag Leader, Precision Agriculture

Precision Tech Detects Citrus Greening Disease

John Davis

A disease causing some real problems for citrus growers in the U.S. is citrus greening disease, also called Huanglongbing or HBL. The bacterial disease poses no threat to humans, but its effect on the trees can be devastating. Discovered in Florida in September 2005, HBL is being closely monitored. But that monitoring can be quite labor intensive and costly. At …

Ag Groups, Audio, Citrus, International, Precision Agriculture, Research