2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Head to the Clouds with Ag Leader’s AgFiniti

Joanna Schroeder

The big trend in the data world these days is the “cloud”. The cloud is a way to store your data in a safe, secure place and have access to it anywhere you may be. Ag Leader recently headed to the “clouds” with their new AgFiniti precision technology and to learn more, I spoke with Kaleb Lindquist during the 2014 …

Ag Leader, Agribusiness, Audio, Internet, Iowa Power Show, Precision Agriculture

Let Ag Leader’s Compass Guide You

Joanna Schroeder

Ag Leader introduced the Compass display last fall during the Farm Progress Show and in the few months it’s been available, it has seen great success. To learn more about the technology, I spoke with Josh Rasmusson with Ag Leader during the 2014 Iowa Power Farming Show. He explained that the Compass display is their new, high-definition, 7 inch touch …

Ag Leader, Audio, Iowa Power Show, Precision Agriculture

Ag Leader’s Hydraulic Down Force Improves Planting

Joanna Schroeder

It’s hard to forget the spring of 2013 when growers had more rain then they could handle. For some they lost crops, for others the seed was planted a bit late. But what if there was a way to improve your changes for a better harvest despite too much soil moisture. Well, there is a way to do just that: …

Ag Leader, Audio, Iowa Power Show, Precision Agriculture

Getting Some MapShots

Chuck Zimmerman

I’ll be getting some MapShots this week at the 2014 MapShots Customer Conference. It will take place February 6-8 in Atlanta. This year’s conference will feature presentations from industry partners. In addition to MapShots staff providing attendees with information and hands-on experience with the use of AgStudio for precision crop management and record keeping, seven industry partners will present how …

Agribusiness, Precision Agriculture

Climate Corp Adopts Data Privacy Standards

Cindy Zimmerman

The Climate Corporation today announced principles and commitments related to data use and privacy published on-line in a Guiding Principles on Data and Privacy statement. “The application of data science in agriculture is relatively new, and with the development of new technologies comes some level of uncertainty about its potential implications. In our experience, farmers are more likely to embrace …

AFBF, Audio, Precision Agriculture

2014 Iowa Power Farming Show Round-up

Joanna Schroeder

The 2014 Iowa Power Farming Show is in full swing this week in Des Moines, Iowa and according to Tom Junge, show director nearly 25,000 people are expected to attend the third largest farm show in the United States. The show expands 7 acres and features exhibitors from 29 states and 4 Canadian Provinces; represents 750 companies and more than …

Ag Leader, Audio, Iowa Power Show, Precision Agriculture

iCropTrak MyJohnDeere.com Integration

Chuck Zimmerman

The MyJohnDeere.com platform has now become integrated with iCropTrak. This even includes the use of Dropbox. Mobile Field and Farm App iCropTrak just announced their integration of the new John Deere wireless connection technology MyJohnDeere.com and DropBox in iCropTrak Version 4.0 for 2014. These technologies will allow for seamless movement of data between your Deere tractor, your iCropTrak enabled iPad …

Agribusiness, Apps, Audio, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

BASF Announces Plans for 2014

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF recently announced plans to expand its services and initiatives for growers and agricultural professionals worldwide in 2014 through a significant investment in the development of new IT tools. “The initiatives that were announced reflect the very strong commitment by BASF to the agricultural industry to provide modern tools to help growers get the most out of every acre,” said …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

Dow AgroSciences and John Deere Form Collaboration

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a development that comes right out of the John Deere Developer’s Conference this year in which the company opened up it’s MyJohnDeere platform to other companies to develop applications that would integrate with all the data that the platform creates. Helping farmers get more value per acre through the expert analysis of production data is the goal of a …

Agribusiness, Audio, John Deere, Precision Agriculture