RFA Ethanol Podcast

#PorkLuv Share-a-Thon

Chuck Zimmerman

Do you have pork love? If so, share it. How? By using the #PorkLUV hashtag on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It can be good for your state since the Pork Checkoff is running a contest to feed hungry people. Pork fans who share their #PorkLUV will be helping their state compete for a food bank donation of 30,000 meals of …

Ag Groups, Food, Pork

Pork Production Summit at IPPE

Cindy Zimmerman

The VIV International Pork Production Summit was held as part of the International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) last week in Atlanta and one of the presenters was Dr. Jeffrey Escobar of Novus International. Dr. Escobar discussed in detail “Nutrient digestibility and gut health” as well as “Organic trace mineral bioavailability and functional effects in animals” – topics he addressed …

Animal Health, Audio, IPPE, Novus International, Pork, Swine

Novus at Production and Processing Expo

Cindy Zimmerman

Once again we are pleased to bring you coverage of the International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta, courtesy of our friends at Novus International. IPPE is the new name for the combination of International Poultry Expo, International Feed Expo, and International Meat Expo, which all integrated together in 2013. The 2014 IPPE will bring together more than 1,100 …

IPPE, Livestock, Meat, Novus International, Pork, Poultry, Poultry Expo

Truth Behind the Star of Every Big Game – BACON

Jamie Johansen

As millions of Americans gather around their televisions on the first Sunday in February, there’s one star that’s already a winner even before the kickoff. Whether it’s a main ingredient, an appetizer or simply a garnish, bacon is the standout star of any dish. But, there’s a side of the bacon story that most Americans aren’t so familiar with. Just …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Pork, USB

Update on PRRS Diagnostic Testing

Jamie Johansen

As part of the 2013 North American PRRS Symposium, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health hosted the BIVI PRRS ARC&E Seminar. It was a morning full of experts discussing PRRS Area Regional Control, as well as what is being done in the field. The morning started off with Dr. Rodger Main, Director of the Veterinary Diagnostics Laboratory at Iowa State University. He …

Agribusiness, Animal Health, Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pork, Swine

Research, Promotion & Education at Pork Board

Jamie Johansen

The National Pork Board is the entity that conducts research, provides education and promotes the product. They were at the recent NAFB Convention and I caught up with them during the always busy, yet fun and exciting Trade Talk. Dale Norton, Vice President of the National Pork Board, farms with his brother in Michigan and has been a part of …

Ag Groups, Audio, NAFB, Pork

Pork Council Talks Animal Health, Markets & Trade

Jamie Johansen

The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) was among many ag groups who took advantage of NAFB Convention’s Trade Talk to discuss issues with farm broadcasters from across the country. Dr. Howard Hill, President-Elect, for NPPC was on hand along with Steve Meyer, NPPC Economist. Each hit on the one of the most talked about topics when if comes to animal …

Ag Groups, Audio, Media, NAFB, Pork

Update from Animal Ag Alliance at NAFB

Jamie Johansen

The Animal Agriculture Alliance has been busy over the course of the last year staying up-to-date on animal ag issues, researching current activist campaigns and advocating farm policy. At the 2013 NAFB Convention I met up with Kay Johnson Smith, President and CEO, and Emily Meredith, Director of Communications during the events Trade Talk. Hot topics of discussion included the …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Beef, Livestock, Media, NAFB, Pork, Poultry

Pork Checkoff Launches Free Electronic Cookbook

Jamie Johansen

An electronic cookbook, titled Cooking for Comfort, has just made it’s debut from the Pork Checkoff. This free e-book features favorites and new twists on classic recipes from James Beard, Award-winning Chef Michelle Bernstein, barbecue expert and author Ray Lampe, along with food bloggers from across the U.S. “Pork plays a part in many of our favorite comfort food dishes …

Ag Groups, Food, Pork