2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer Building on Feed a Bee Buzz

Cindy Zimmerman

The Feed a Bee program has planted more than 2 billion wildflowers with the help of 900,000 individuals and 117 partner organizations in the past three years, but Bayer says it’s not stopping there. The company recently requested proposals to establish pollinator forage in all 50 states by 2018, hoping to build upon their success and move the needle forward. …

Bayer, Bees, pollinators

GROWMARK FS Offers Pollinator Gardens to 4-H

Kelly Marshall

GROWMARK is providing an opportunity for 4-H clubs to be a part of sustaining and increasing the honey bee population. 4-H clubs in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin with a public space and secure permission are eligible for enough seeds to plant a 700 square foot pollinator garden and educational signage. “Last year, we had nearly 40 clubs participating in …

GROWMARK, pollinators

GROWMARK and FS Support Pollinator Literacy in Illinois

Cindy Zimmerman

Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom (IAITC) programs are buzzing with an increased emphasis on pollinators, thanks to GROWMARK and its FS member cooperatives. At the Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB) annual meeting this week, GROWMARK Corporate Relations and Foundation Manager Amy Bradford announced new collaborative efforts focused on activities and education related to the importance of pollinators. “We place a high …

Audio, Bees, FS System, GROWMARK, pollinators

Milestone for General Mills, Xerces Society and NRCS

Kelly Marshall

The U.S. Department of Agriculture hosted an announcement between themselves, General Mills, and the largest and oldest pollinator conservation organization, the Xerces Society this morning. The three organizations are joining together to protect the habitats of pollinators on hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland. The project is a five-year, $4 million commitment to provide the technical assistance for planting …

pollinators, USDA

Pastures For Pollinators is a Winner

Cindy Zimmerman

A new clover seed mixture developed by Grassland Oregon (GO) is a win-win for livestock producers and the environment. Pastures for Pollinators is a seed blend including a variety of flowering annual clovers that could help enhance pollinator habitat nationwide, according to GO co-founder Risa DeMasi. “There are 400 million acres of pasture ground in the U.S., and it happens …

Audio, cover crops, Forage, pollinators, Seed

Bayer Celebrates Fall with Bee Care

Kelly Marshall

Fall is a time of pumpkin pie and hot apple cider, but neither of these would be possible without the hard work of pollinators.  To honor the efforts of these busy creatures, Bayer is celebrating fall with their Feed a Bee program and the planting of wildflowers and dedicated forage areas. Feed a Bee is on a mission to create pollinator …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Bees, pollinators

GROWMARK Buzzing For Pollinator Program

Lizzy Schultz

GROWMARK has made an ongoing commitment to ensuring the financial and environmental sustainability of the solutions they offer their growers, and their commitment to sustainability was made evident through several of the programs discussed last week during the GROWMARK Annual Meeting and Agribusiness Symposium. Lance Ruppert, Director of Agronomy Marketing, sat down during the meeting to discuss several of the …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Environment, GROWMARK, pollinators, Sustainability

Celebrating The Bees Behind Craft Beer

Lizzy Schultz

Rogue Ales is celebrating all 7,140,289 of their honeybees with the release of two new products, Honey Kolsch and Marionberry Braggot. Both are made with honey foraged from Rogue Farms spring nectar sources including marionberry, cherry, jalapeño, cucumber, pumpkins and wildflower blossoms. This spring’s honey harvest brought its own unique flavor, and it is highlighted in both beer and braggot. …

Ag Groups, Bees, Conservation, Environment, Food, pollinators

New Insights On Colony Collapse Disorder

Lizzy Schultz

Researchers from Arizona State University’s (ASU) School of Life Sciences recently discovered that the commonly accepted claim that blames nutritional deprivation for the increasing collapse of honey bee colonies is incorrect. The two studies published by ASU researchers found that the stress of short-term nutritional deprivation as larvae actually makes honey bees more resilient to starvation as adults. The findings …

Ag Groups, Bees, Conservation, Environment, pollinators, Research, Sustainability

Tweet a Bee, #FeedABee

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer is gearing up to make a significant impact on pollinator health in 2016 by planting more forage and spreading the word about the importance of pollinators with the debut of the Feed a Bee song and video and new social media initiatives to help keep pollinators healthy. We talked with our favorite Queen Bee Becky Langer, Bayer Bee Care …

Audio, Bayer, Bees, pollinators, Social Media, ZimmCast