Our ZimmCast this week features fellow blogger Keith Good. Keith is the publisher of FARMPOLICY.com, one of the few blogs focusing on agriculture. Keith keeps an eye on the mainstream news and provides a concise summary of news that’s important to agriculture. You can listen to the interview here or subscribe to our podcast feed in the sidebar titled “ZimmCast.”
Great Article About Podcasts
Although it repeats some of the things that I’ve written before about podcasting I still recommend you look at this article written by Stephan Spencer for MarketingProfs.com and in their e-newsletter today.
New ZimmCast
Our newest ZimmCast is now available. I’m going to post a link to the mp3 file here: ZimmCast Normally you’ll find this in the sidebar where there’s a link to it and a podcast file that you can subscribe to if you use a program like iPodder. This week it’s the second part of my interview with Steve Mays, VP …
Positive Press For AgriMarketing Pros
It’s nice to see that what you’re doing is noticed. Especially when you can learn from it. Since we started this blog site we’ve been critiqued and many of the changes for the better have come from people who notice and care. For example, Robert French, who teaches at Auburn University and has a great blog of his own at …
ZimmCast – Our Version of the Podcast
We finally got it figured out and now it’s available. The ZimmComm podcast is the ZimmCast! We’d like to know what you’d like to hear. Listen to the first one, it’s short, then provide your feedback. We intend to interview agrimarketing pros and provide their ideas through this new form of “radio/audio” communication. We recommend you get podcast software like …
Jazz Up That E-Newsletter With Audio!
This is one of those “duh” why didn’t I think of that ideas. You can listen to me talk about this here: ZimmComm Podcast. If you’ve got an e-newsletter why not insert hyperlinks to audio that your subscribers can listen to on their computer? Let’s say you’ve hired ZimmComm to produce a Talking News Release. We have to do an …
Podcasting In The News
Even CNN is recognizing podcasting. Here’s a great story published today: ‘Podcasting’ takes broadcasting to the Internet. We’ll begin regular podcasts here from ZimmComm very soon so stay tuned!
Free Beer – How Can You Go Wrong With This?
At the Schering-Plough booth a friendly bartender poured a free beer and you could enter a contest to win a new John Deere Gator! I spoke with Dan Ellsworth, Senior Product Manager, Cattle about new products from his company. You can hear our next podcast here: ZimmComm Podcast. Keep checking in for more from the Cattle Industry Convention & Trade …
Booth Activity
The first stop was the Merial booth, where I spoke with Jim Gibb, Sr. Manager, Beef Segment Development about new dna testing products from Igenity. You can listen to our next audio interview here: ZimmComm Podcast. Later this week, new U. S. Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Johanns, will be making a speech. We’ll bring you audio from his remarks.
Beef Demand Is Sizzling!
The first interview is with Cattlemen’s Beef Board CEO Monte Reese. He’s the better looking one talking into the mic. Beef demand increased more last year than any year recently and Monte talks about what that means in our next podcast available here: ZimmBlog Podcast. All the usual press conferences are going on and the trade show’s about to start …