2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Cattle Industry Summer Conference Focus of MBIC Report

Chuck Zimmerman

MBIC ReportIt’s time for the cattle industry leadership to gather in Denver for the annual Cattle Industry Summer Conference. Missouri is well represented and in this week’s MBIC Report, at-large board member for the Missouri Beef Industry Council, Jon Kleiboeker talks about the conference and how cattle producers are involved, including his joint nutrition & health committee work.

Audio, Beef, Podcasts

Ethanol & Weather On CornTalk

Chuck Zimmerman

Corntalk PodcastLast week a lot of attention was given to an AP story about an old study saying ethanol costs more to produce than it’s worth. Pretty strange timing when you consider the energy legislation work going on in Washington, DC. In this week’s CornTalk program, Missouri Corn Growers Association CEO, Gary Marshall, discusses the flaws in the study that was quoted and talks about the weather concerns for the state’s corn crop.

Ag Groups, Audio, Podcasts

It’s Time For A Podcast Network

Chuck Zimmerman

BX Radio NetworkThere’s a new network in town. It’s the BX Radio Network which will brand itself as Coolcast Radio. They’re just in the formative stages right now and looking for podcasters and writers. We’ve submitted the ZimmCast for consideration. I have to say that when I saw that “farming” was a topic they were looking for content on I got really interested!


New Podcasting Info

Chuck Zimmerman

PodcastingI thought you might be interested in some new information about podcasting. Although you can debate the current statistics and maybe you don’t want to download and listen to audio wherever and whenever you want, a lot of people are doing it and I think it’s a great public relations tool!


Clearing Up Misconceptions About Beef Checkoff – MBIC Report

Chuck Zimmerman

Missouri Beef Industry CouncilHow well do you understand the Beef Checkoff? In the wake of the recent Supreme Court decision to allow the Checkoff to continue it’s a good time to make sure we understand how the Checkoff works. Missouri Beef Industry Council executive director Steve Taylor clears up some common misconceptions he still finds with producers about the Checkoff in this week’s MBIC Report.

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Podcasts