As if you haven’t heard enough from me about podcasting, but I think you’ll be interested in this. Especially you, “we have to measure it” types. Podtrac, which claims to have the largest database of demographic information on the people who listen to podcasts just released the results of their quarterly survey. Here’s some interesting findings:
Australian Blogging Workshop
I just finished a blogging/podcasting workshop with the Porter Novelli agency in Adelaide, Australia. I only wish I had been able to be there in person. This fine looking group did send me a picture from during the presentation. I had control of their computer with NetMeeting and we were on speakerphone.
Some New Media Resources
For those of you wanting to know more about new media I recommend you obtain a new white paper written by Eric Schwartzman, founder of iPressroom titled, “New Media Marketing Communications.” Free with registration.
Webcasting Is Not Podcasting
Just this morning I got asked about webcasting vs. podcasting. Well, here’s an example of how to use webcasting. Apparently, Sam Scott, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Corn Products International, will deliver a slide presentation via webcast at 11:15 a.m. Eastern Time on May 18 at the Harris Nesbitt Agriculture and Protein Conference in New York.
Podcast Your News Release
I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while. I know some of you companies out there use PR Web. Heck, we’re a proponent and use them as an add-on to our service. I am also one of their subscribing reporters. It’s a different world than the old days in media!
Double Digit Growth For Internet Use/Access
Internet use in America just continues to skyrocket. The latest Pew Internet & American Life Project report shows that 73 % of adults are online. That’s double digit growth from a year ago and the same holds true for broadband access. What does this mean for agricultural communications?
Propanecast Podcast
Speaking of podcasting. I was actually just speaking of podcasting. Let’s look at (and listen) to the Propanecast by the Propane Education and Research Council. Use this link to subscribe if you’re so inclined. It looks like they’re doing both video and audio versions.
Farmer iPod Use Growing
According to the latest NAFB eChats they’ve got a new qualitative farmer media use study out that says farmer use of iPods and other digital audio devices has grown to about 5 percent! This seems like pretty fast growth to me when you consider that they didn’t even exist just a couple years ago. I guess it’s kind of like radio back when it got started. How many farmer had one in the first 2 years? Was it 5 percent?
Blogging & Podcasting Workshop For NCGA
In just a few short minutes I’ll be conducting a blogging and podcasting workshop for the National Corn Growers Association, National & State Staff Meeting in St. Louis. They don’t even know I’m here yet.
Could We Have International Farm Podcasting
Once upon a time I participated in a conference on international farm broadcasting at FAO. It looks like the event has produced results.