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Dupont Pioneer Press Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Dupont Pioneer held a news conference at the recent Commodity Classic to introduce a new set of services. The focus of the press conference was the new Pioneer Field360 services. These new services are meant to help farmers increase productivity and profitability by providing more control of field-by-field data without having to become a technical expert. The Pioneer Field360 Services …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Pioneer, Precision Agriculture

Pioneer Announces New T-Series Soybeans

Chuck Zimmerman

Dupont Pioneer held a press conference this morning to announce a new series of Pioneer brand soybeans – the T Series (pdf). I participated in the call so you can listen to what was said including opening comments from Don Schafer, soybean marketing manager, and Dr. Jessie Alt, research scientist. It looks like there will be new product available throughout …

Agribusiness, Audio, Pioneer, Seed

Dupont Pioneer Invests in My American Farm

Chuck Zimmerman

My American Farm, the American Farm Bureau Foundation’s online interactive education program, received a huge investment from Dupont Pioneer that was announced at the beginning of the annual meeting here in Nashville. It is a $250,000 investment that will support new games and resources, increased outreach to K-12 stakeholders and a mobile application. I learned more about it by speaking …

AFBF, Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Education, Pioneer

ASTA Looking Toward the Future

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association is looking ahead to the future of the seed industry and developing a new long range plan. “We’ve always had a five year strategic plan which gives us direction for where we want the association to go and it was time to refresh that,” said ASTA immediate past chairman Mike Gumina of DuPont Pioneer. To …

ASTA, Audio, Media, Pioneer, Seed

Lacek Group Welcomes Dupont Pioneer Team

Chuck Zimmerman

The Lacek Group has a full team assembled for the Dupont Pioneer account. Here they are in the Minneapolis office. Pictured from the left, Myrna Krueger, Kristina Entzminger, Jesse Riebe, Kim Le, Evan Davies, Melissa Norby, Amy Herman, Cole Thompson. Second row: Pete Abell, Jim Adler, Vinny Matassa, Amy Karls, Tricia Severson, Steve Pederson, Kristina Fenner. Third Row: Melissa Huset, …

Agencies, Pioneer

Optimum AQUAmax For Water-Limited Environments

Jamie Johansen

Drought hasn’t yet been moved to the back burner as companies like Dupont Pioneer make it a priority to engineer products to help farmers in times of uncontrollable circumstances. National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s Trade Talk gave agri-businesses a voice to share their latest products. I sat down with Janelle Buxton, Marketing Communication Manager in Corn for Dupont Pioneer. She …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Corn, NAFB, Pioneer

Factors Impacting Global Agriculture

Chuck Zimmerman

What is ahead for global agriculture? Now there’s a question that can’t be easy to answer. But that’s the task Steve Elmore, Economics Director, Dupont Pioneer, had this morning at the AgroNomics Conference. Steve provided attendees with information on the current major factors influencing agriculture. By understanding what these are ASFMRA members can draw more informed conclusions about the current …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Pioneer

Latest Yield Results on

Melissa Sandfort

Harvest is progressing at a faster than average pace this year and yield data continues to stream into The variability in weather experienced throughout the growing season will impact yields this fall. For a quick snapshot of harvest yields in your area and across the country, visit The Pioneer yield site provides a brief summary of each plot …

Agribusiness, Pioneer

Key Tips for 2013 Growing Season

Joanna Schroeder

There was a lot of talk during the Farm Progress Show this year about the epic drought and how it was impacting growers across the country. Brent Wilson, DuPont Pioneer technical services manager, was out interacting with growers and when talking with them heard quite often that they just want to put the epic drought of 2012 behind them. That …

Agribusiness, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Pioneer, Seed

New Pioneer Forages Communications Coordinator

Melissa Sandfort

Caitlin Keck has been named communications coordinator for the DuPont Pioneer global forages team. Keck will provide marketing and communications support for the Pioneer corn silage, alfalfa and inoculants product lines. Prior to joining the global forages team, Keck was a Pioneer agronomist in York, Neb., with the Pioneer Emerging Leaders Program. Keck is a graduate of the University of …

Agribusiness, Pioneer