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Sustainable Ag Expo Educates Growers

Kelly Marshall

The 11th Annual Sustainable Ag Expo will be held November 16-17, 2015, at the Madonna Inn Expo Center in San Luis Obispo, California. The expo, hosted by the Vineyard Team, promises educational information for growers of many crops. “The Expo started as a way to explore various issues affecting different types of ag professionals,” said Kris Beal, Executive Director for The …

Ag Groups, Education, Energy, Events, pesticides, Soil, Sustainability, Water

Pope Francis Calls for Better Care of Our Home

Joanna Schroeder

Pope Francis is calling on humankind to take better care of our home. The Pope, like those before him, has been vocal about climate change and the role humans have played. In LAUDATO SI’ On Care of Our Common Home, Pope Francis writes that our lifestyle of a “throw-away” society – consumption and waste – must change or humans will …

Agribusiness, Biotech, Crop Protection, Environment, GMO, Herbicide, Insecticides, pesticides

New BASF Research Station in India

Kelly Marshall

A new BASF research station in Pune, India will focus on the areas of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and other solutions beyond crop protection products.  Experts in biology, farm managements, and workers have been hired for the new facitlity. The center will research ares of global interest for the agriculture community, but it will also investigate issues specific to India, such …

Agribusiness, BASF, Fungicide, Herbicide, pesticides, Research

Industry Pleased with White House Pollinator Plan

Cindy Zimmerman

Last June, President Obama called for an interagency Task Force to create a Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators. Tuesday, the Task Force released its strategy, under the joint leadership of EPA and USDA. Industry reaction to the plan, which outlines actions to be taken by more than a dozen other federal agencies and departments, …

ARA, Bayer, Bees, Environment, EPA, NCGA, pesticides, pollinators

FMC Demos 3RIVE 3D at NFMS

Cindy Zimmerman

You may remember us telling you about FMC’s 3RIVE 3D™ back in November at the NAFB convention. Here at the 2015 National Farm Machinery Show we got to learn a lot more about this revolutionary system that integrates formulation technology, application technology and active ingredients to increase net planting speed, in-furrow protection and early season success. FMC’s Matt Hancock says …

Crop Protection, FMC, Insecticides, National Farm Machinery Show, pesticides, Video

Research Looks at Value of Neonicotinoids

Cindy Zimmerman

The agriculture industry is working to show the benefits of neonicotinoids in the face of an EPA report released in October concluding that the seed treatments “provide little or no overall benefits to soybean production in most situations.” During the ASTA CSS and Seed Expo last week, Dr. Pete Nowak with AgInfomatics discussed some of his findings on the value …

ASTA, Audio, pesticides, Seed