2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Peanut and Cotton Growers Provide Farm Bill Input

Cindy Zimmerman

Peanut and cotton growers provided their input into commodity programs in the next farm bill during a hearing this week before the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management. Georgia farmer Tim McMillan testified on behalf of the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation in support of maintaining the peanut provisions of the 2014 Farm Bill and the …

Audio, Cotton, Farm Bill, Peanuts

Peanut Industry Donates 30,000 Jars of Peanut Butter

Kelly Marshall

The Capital Area Food Bank (CAFB) in Washington D.C. received more than 30,000 jars of peanut butter on National Ag Day. The Southern Peanut Farmers Federation, made up of Alabama Peanut Producers Association, Florida Peanut Producers Association, Georgia Peanut Commission and Mississippi Peanut Growers Association, is working with CAFB to solve issues like chronic undernutrition, heart disease and obesity. CAFB partners …

Ag Day, Ag Groups, Nutrition, Peanuts

Georgia Peanut Commission Supports Tornado Relief

Kelly Marshall

Victims of the South Georgia tornado have received more than 10,000 jars of peanut butter from peanut farmers across the state. The Georgia Peanut Commission made the donation through Second Harvest earlier this week and donations are still being accepted. “Peanut farmers in Georgia, through the Georgia Peanut Commission, have supported the Peanut Proud relief efforts since its inception and …

Ag Groups, Peanuts

Georgia Peanut Hosts Trick or Peanut Event

Jamie Johansen

The Georgia Peanut Commission will be hosting a Trick or Peanut event at the GPC office on Wednesday, Oct. 26. The event is open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend. The GPC staff will be taking part by dressing up and providing peanuts and peanut butter- themed candies and treats to all visitors who stop by during …

Ag Groups, Peanuts

Where’s the #Peanut Emoji?

Cindy Zimmerman

Most people who are active on social media know what an emoji is – those cute little images used in text messages, Twitter and Facebook posts. They started many years ago with the simple smiley or sad face made from the combination of colons and parentheses like this – 🙂 Now emojis are everywhere, and they’ve evolved well beyond facial …

Peanuts, Social Media

Bayer is into #Peanuts

Cindy Zimmerman

The recent Bayer Showcase plot tour near Dawson, Georgia showed the commitment that the company has to peanut growers. “We’re really excited that we’re just launching a new nematicide for peanuts called Velum Total,” said Keith Rucker, Bayer tech service rep for the Southeast. “We had a limited launch last year, this year is really the first full blown year …

Audio, Bayer, Peanuts

Bayer Showcases #Peanuts and #Cotton

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer has been holding a series of Showcase Plot Tours around the country since early July and we had a chance to check out the latest in cotton, peanuts and soybeans for the Southeast at Tuesday’s event in Dawson, Georgia at the company’s brand new breeding facility. “This is a new breeding facility that Bayer felt would put us in …

Audio, Bayer, Cotton, Peanuts

Marketing Peanuts to Millennials

Cindy Zimmerman

Southern Peanut Growers Executive Director Leslie Wagner and National Peanut Board Senior VP of Marketing Ryan Lepicier teamed up at the opening session of the 18th Southern Peanut Growers Conference to talk about what they are doing to market peanuts to the important millennial generation. “Those of us who have millennials in their life know that they get their information …

Audio, Marketing, Peanuts, SPGC

#Peanut Growers Already Preparing for 2018 Farm Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

It may seem like the last farm bill process just ended, because it did only two years ago, but already farm state legislators and agricultural organizations are looking ahead to starting the 2018 Farm Bill negotiations. Bob Redding of The Redding Group, who represents peanut farmers on Capitol Hill, talked about the preparations for 2018 at the 2016 Southern Peanut …

Audio, Farm Bill, Peanuts, SPGC

House Ag Chairman Addresses #2016SPGC

Cindy Zimmerman

Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX) told farmers at the 2016 Southern Peanut Growers Conference this past weekend in Miramar Beach, Florida that preparations will start next year for the 2018 Farm Bill. “My goal is, as is the goal of every ag chairman, is to get it done before the current one expires, not have to have short term extensions and …

Audio, Farm Bill, Peanuts