Bayer is into #Peanuts

Cindy Zimmerman

bayer-showcase-ga-keithThe recent Bayer Showcase plot tour near Dawson, Georgia showed the commitment that the company has to peanut growers.

“We’re really excited that we’re just launching a new nematicide for peanuts called Velum Total,” said Keith Rucker, Bayer tech service rep for the Southeast. “We had a limited launch last year, this year is really the first full blown year that we’ve had it in the field.”

Rucker says Velum Total, which is also for cotton, protects the young plant from being attacked by nematodes early in the season. “There’s just not a whole lot of options right now (to combat nematodes,” he said.

During the field day, Rucker also talked to growers about Proline, which provides early season disease protection from white mold and leaf spot. Learn more in this interview: Interview with Keith Rucker, Bayer

Bayer Showcase Days Photo Album

Audio, Bayer, Peanuts