2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Participating in World Food Prize Events

Cindy Zimmerman

One of the participants in the 2008 World Food Prize symposium who caught my eye yesterday was Dr. Gale Buchanan, USDA Under Secretary for Research Education and Economics. I saw him sitting in on every session I attended, so I caught up with him for an interview about the event and what he thought. This year’s World Food Prize winners …

Audio, Biodiesel, International, Peanuts, World Food Prize

Georgia Peanut Tour Blog

Chuck Zimmerman

I am so lame. I was supposed to alert you to the Georgia Peanut Tour before the tour. But guess what? This is the great thing about a blog. It’s archived! So take a look at what agriblogging professional Joy Carter did. I think she’s raising the bar for you ag group communications managers. I think Joy has been drinking …

Ag Groups, Peanuts

Trimble Trio

Cindy Zimmerman

New technology and new media are a perfect fit, so it is fitting that Trimble/Ag Technologies sponsored our blog coverage this week at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference. Left to right, the trio representing them at the conference were Josh Pitts of Ag Technologies, Trimble regional sales manager Tim East and Brian Kelly with Ag Technologies. I set up my …

Peanuts, Technology

FFA Alumni Conference Blog

Cindy Zimmerman

FFA Alumni State Leaders are gathered in Washington, DC and thanks to a new blog, you can keep up with the action. The National FFA Alumni State Leaders Conference kicks off today. FFA Alumni members will have an exciting week touring Washington, D.C., visiting with their congressional representatives and learning more about opportunities available through the FFA Alumni. The event …

Ag Groups, Peanuts

Old Friends and New at the Peanut Meeting

Cindy Zimmerman

At the Southern Peanut Growers Conference this week, I had a chance to meet up with one old friend I hadn’t seen in over 20 years – and one new friend that I knew but had never met. Those of you in the ag journalism business may recognize this lady – formally the voice of the American Farm Bureau Federation …

Media, Peanuts

Using New Media to Reach Peanut Farmers

Cindy Zimmerman

Farmers and others in agriculture are just like everyone else these days. For the vast majority of us, computer usage is becoming a part of our everyday lives, if it hasn’t already taken it over! That’s why the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation made the decision to use the new media tools of blogging and podcasting to reach out and provide …


Peanuts on the Beach

Chuck Zimmerman

Southern peanut growers know the place to party and this week that’s Panama City, FL. While I get ready to go west to Denver, Cindy is attending the Southern Peanut Growers Conference. In this week’s program you can hear several of her interviews. We’ve got Randy Griggs, Alabama Peanut Producers, several guys from Trimble and Ag Technologies, the companies sponsoring …

Ag Groups, Audio, Peanuts, ZimmCast

Grilled PBJ on the Beach

Chuck Zimmerman

Sounds like a drink almost, doesn’t it? Cindy’s lounging around on the Gulf of Mexico at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference, eating grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Can you imagine? I tried something new today that I had frankly never even thought of eating before – grilled peanut butter and jelly. Don’t know why I never thought of it …

Ag Groups, Audio, Peanuts, Video

Southern Peanut Growers Conference Blog

Chuck Zimmerman

Another ZimmComm-developed website is now online. This time it’s the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation and the blog is for their annual conference. You’ll be able to follow all the nutty action in Panama City when Cindy gets there this weekend. All the proceedings with pictures, audio interviews and more from the 10th Annual Southern Peanut Growers Conference July 13-15 in …

Ag Groups, Peanuts