2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Book Review – Green Gone Wrong

Joanna Schroeder

Everyone has an opinion about the veracity of global warming, except, maybe global governments who are pursing economic improvements on the back of climate change. The quest for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and predominately carbon dioxide (CO2) has led to a spurt of new research around the development of more sustainable practices and technologies. But at what cost …

Farming, Food, Organic

Buy Triscuits, Grow Your Own Garden

Joanna Schroeder

I was in the grocery store last night and just happened to find myself in the cracker isle when a box caught my eye. It was the new branding for Triscuits. What struck me was that NabiscoWorld is now promoting “home gardening” on the box. When you look at the back of the box there are instructions on how to …

Farming, Food, Organic


Amanda Nolz

Yesterday, at the South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association’s Annual Trade Show and Convention, I had the opportunity to listen to Terry Gompert, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln Educator with a speciality in grazing. His presentation was titled, “Money Saving Ideas Including Extending the Grazing Season,” and he offered up tips for producers to consider in cowherd management, improved grazing systems and evaluating …

Organic, Sustainability

MOSES Helping Organic Farmers

Chuck Zimmerman

At this year’s Farm Progress Show Eric Hatling, Development and Communications Coordinator for the MOSES, the Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service, visited with me about the organization. It sounds like their has continued to grow. Eric says that since last year the organization continues to grow. He says they had almost 2,700 people attend their Annual Organic Farming Conference …

Ag Groups, Organic, Sustainability

Organic Beef Supply Beefs Up

Laura McNamara

Two U.S. organic beef producers are teaming up to expand the nation’s organic beef supply. CROPP Cooperative, North America’s largest farmer owned co-op, and Dakota Beef, the largest vertically integrated organic beef producer in the U.S., have partnered in a mutli-year agreement. Consumer demand for high quality organic beef has been exceptional and this partnership will ensure supply to an …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Beef, Organic

USAID reports Sweet Onion Success for Bolivian Farmers

Laura McNamara

Farming isn’t just a national need, it’s an international need. That’s why the U.S. Agency for International Development is helping Bolivians meet their farming needs, while helping American consumers meet their need for sweet onions, chili peppers, peanuts and more. More than 150 tons of sweet onions are giving some Bolivian farmers a $340,000 harvest. The recent bountiful shipment to …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Farming, Food, International, Organic

Organic Scandal

Laura McNamara

A handful of the nation’s largest grocery retailers have been accused of organic fraud. Wal-Mart, Costco, Target, Safeway, and Wild Oats have been accused of selling organic milk that might not be so “organic.” The legal filings in federal courts in Seattle, Denver, and in Minneapolis, against the retailers, come on the heels of class action lawsuits against Aurora Dairy …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Animal Health, Dairy, Food, Organic, Wackos

The Business of California Farming

Chuck Zimmerman

The Futures Channel has produced a short movie on California agriculture. They’d love your feedback. Thanks to Jenna who’s in charge of their distribution for the alert to it. It’s meant to be an instructional video for classroom use. Do your students know where their food comes from? There are more than 350 different commodities grown in California, including rice, …

Media, Organic, Video