2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Commodity #Classic24 Was a Record Breaker

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2024 Commodity Classic blasted off into a new galaxy last week in Houston with the largest attendance ever at 11,500 attendees, smashing the previous record of 10,400 last year in Orlando. There were more than 4,600 farmers at the February 28-March 2 event this year along with exhibitors, industry stakeholders, and ag media. This year’s event featured more than …

AEM, Ag Groups, ASA, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, NAWG, NCGA, NSP

#Classic22 Association Leaders on Stage

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2022 Commodity Classic once again featured the leaders of each organization during the general session with emcee Mark Mayfield. Joining Mayfield were (LtoR) National Corn Growers Association president Chris Edgington; National Association of Wheat Growers president Dave Milligan; National Sorghum Producers chairman Kody Carson; American Soybean Association president Brad Doyle; and Association of Equipment Manufacturers ag sector chair Todd …

AEM, Ag Groups, ASA, Audio, Corn, NAWG, NCGA, NSP

Commodity Group CEOs Meet the Press at #Classic22

Cindy Zimmerman

The CEOs of the commodity groups that make up the Commodity Classic, together with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, met the press this week to discuss a variety of issues impacting the industry. American Soybean Association CEO Steve Censky, National Corn Growers Association CEO Jon Doggett, National Sorghum Producers CEO Tim Lust, National Association of Wheat Growers CEO Chandler Goule, …

ASA, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, NAWG, NCGA, NSP, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat

Corn and Sorghum Groups Urge Aid for Ethanol Industry

Cindy Zimmerman

Members of the Congressional Biofuels Caucus held a virtual town hall Wednesday to discuss the challenges currently facing the ethanol industry and what can be done to help. Caucus members participating in the meeting were including Reps. Collin Peterson (D-MN), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Dave Loebsack (D-IA), and Rodney Davis (R-IL) as well as ethanol and agricultural group leaders. House Agriculture …

Audio, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, NCGA, NSP, sorghum

Seeing Our Future Clearly at 2020 Commodity Classic

Chuck Zimmerman

Thanks to a #Classic20 attendee for helping me with this photo outside the convention center in San Antonio. It’s kind of like déjà vu since the weather was pretty nice yesterday and now we’ve got a wind warning and temps dropping into the 20’s tonight. Same thing happened at the Cattle Industry Convention just 3 weeks ago. I’m getting ready …

Commodity Classic, Corn, NAWG, NCGA, NSP, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat

EPA Approves Sorghum Oil as Biofuels Pathway

Cindy Zimmerman

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler yesterday announced the approval of sorghum oil as an eligible feedstock under the Renewable Fuel Standard during a signing event at EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C., with sorghum farmers and other stakeholders. In December 2017, the EPA released a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) concerning renewable fuels produced from sorghum oil under the RFS …

AFBF, Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, EPA, Ethanol, NSP, sorghum

Commodity Group Presidents on Stage at #Classic18

Chuck Zimmerman

Each year at the Commodity Classic general session the presidents of the participating organizations are invited on stage to talk about their priorities and challenges. This year the participants were Kevin Skunes, NCGA, John Heisdorffer, ASA, Gordon Stoner, NAWG, Don Bloss, NSP and Bill Hurley, AEM. Moderating the session again this year was Mark Mayfield. The session is not only …

AEM, ASA, Audio, Commodity Classic, NAWG, NCGA, NSP

#Classic17 General Session

Cindy Zimmerman

A time-honored tradition of the Commodity Classic general session is the talk show style interviewing of the sponsoring organizations’ representatives – a panel which has grown to five now with the addition of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers last year. Appearing on the stage with emcee Mark Mayfield this year were: American Soybean Association president Ron Moore of Illinois National …

AEM, ASA, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, NAWG, NCGA, NSP, sorghum, Wheat

Sorghum Yield Winners Announced

Cindy Zimmerman

This year’s winners of the National Sorghum Producers Yield Contest have been announced and the top yield for 2016 comes in at 208.40 bushels per acre. “The future looks really bright for the sorghum industry because of the way we’ve seen our national average yield increase and as we get closer to the 250 bushel per acre goal in this …

NSP, sorghum

Sorghum Producers Elect New Chairman

Kelly Marshall

The National Sorghum Producers board of directors has selected Don Bloss to serve as chairman. “Don Bloss is an experienced voice in the sorghum industry, having served previously as the chair of NSP’s Legislative Committee,” said Tim Lust, NSP CEO. “We look forward to his contributions and insights as NSP engages in discussions related to the next farm bill.” Other returning …

Ag Groups, NSP, sorghum