2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NCGA President Kicks off CUTC

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2014 Corn Utilization and Technology Conference is underway today in Louisville, Kentucky and last night National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) president Martin Barbre welcomed attendees to the semi-annual event that this year focuses on wet and dry milling technologies and new uses. Barbre says the event brings together researchers with the common goal of facilitating the next ground-breaking technologies …

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, CUTC, NCGA, Research

Promoting Kentucky Bourbon

Chuck Zimmerman

If you’re going to have a Corn Utilization Conference why not start with America’s Native Spirit – Bourbon? That’s what got us kicked off for the 2014 CUTC. Our keynote speaker, Kristin Meadors, Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs for the Kentucky Distillers Association, told us all about bourbon and how important it is to the Kentucky economy. She brought …

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, CUTC, NCGA

NCGA Fields-of-Corn Photo Contest

Cindy Zimmerman

If you shoot it, they will vote – in the new National Corn Growers Association Fields-of-Corn Photo Contest. NCGA is calling all photographers to help tell the story of farming field corn in America with this brand new photo contest. Submit your favorite high-resolution photos of corn growth from seed to harvest and the families that grow it and you …

Corn, NCGA, Photography

All Tech With Corn

Chuck Zimmerman

Where to next on the agriblogging highway? The Corn Utilization Technology Conference. That’s where. With thanks to the National Corn Growers Association. The focus of this year’s conference is wet and dry milling technologies and of course, new uses. Speaking of new uses . . . I was searching around for laptop, tsa-friendly back packs and found one from Mobile …

Ag Groups, Corn, NCGA

NCGA CUTC 2014 Preregistration Ends Soon

Jamie Johansen

Pre-registration for the National Corn Growers Association’s Corn Utilization and Technology Conference (CUTC) ends May 25. The event takes place June 2-4 in Louisville, KY. CUTC will feature the cutting-edge technologies and new uses that continually improve and dynamically change the corn industry with a focus on wet and dry milling. “As the conference approaches, it is exciting to see …

Ag Groups, Corn, CUTC, NCGA

KernelQuest for Your Smart Phone

Cindy Zimmerman

Look down on your smart phone! It’s a bird, it’s a plane – it’s Captain Cornelius! The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) just launched a new smartphone/tablet game featuring beloved character Captain Cornelius. “KernelQuest is a game of skill, maneuverability and all-around corniness. Join Captain Cornelius, our a-maize-ing superhero in green spandex, as he defies gravity and weaves his way …

Ag Groups, Corn, NCGA

Calling All Growers to Take the Distillers Grain Survey

Joanna Schroeder

Calling all corn growers! Iowa State University is looking at how the use of distillers grains have changed in the United States over the past several years. Interested growers are invited to participate in a survey currently being conducted by Iowa State University Assistant Professor Dr. Kurt Rosentrater. The survey findings will create a better overall picture of the roll …

Agribusiness, Corn, Feed, NCGA

CUTC Highlights Native American Spirit

Cindy Zimmerman

Kristin Meadors with the Kentucky Distillers Association will deliver the keynote address at the National Corn Growers Association’s Corn Utilization and Technology Conference, June 2 in Louisville, Kentucky. “The bourbon industry’s iconic utilization of corn makes it a perfect platform in which to kick-off three days of lively discussions among the corn industry’s leading researchers, processors and business representatives,” said …

Ag Groups, Corn, Events, NCGA, Research

GMO Labeling Bill Seen as “Step to Restoring Sanity”

John Davis

Farm and commodity groups are throwing their support behind a new bill that is hoped to end some of the craziness over food labeling in this country. The Coalition for Safe Affordable Food, which includes the likes of the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), the American Soybean Association (ASA), and the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), as well as more …

ASA, Corn, Food, GMO, NCGA

Corn Growers, NASCAR Making Spring Greener

John Davis

Corn growers across the country are either busy planting or getting ready to plant. A little different initiative also shows their environmental concern. This month, the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) is joining NASCAR for the second year of the NASCAR Race to Green Campaign. The goal of NASCAR Race to Green is to highlight the accomplishments of NASCAR Green™ …