2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Fishing Tournament Co-Sponsored by #Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2017 Crappie Masters Tournament Trail gets underway today in Florida with a new addition this year – ethanol as a co-title sponsor with Bass Pro Shops. Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) Vice President of Industry Relations Robert White says the purpose of the sponsorship is to help spread the word about ethanol to boaters. “It was an excellent opportunity to …

Audio, Corn, Ethanol, NCGA, RFA

Groups Welcome Plant Breeding Policy from USDA

Kelly Marshall

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) has been actively engaged with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in developing a rule regarding plant breeding innovation. The rule-making notice was officially released yesterday, and ASTA, along with other organizations like the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), are pleased with the recognition of plant breeder’s history of safety and quality. “The farm and food value …

ASTA, NCGA, Plant Breeding

2016 NCGA Corn Contest Winners Announced

Kelly Marshall

This year’s entires into the National Corn Growers Association 2016 National Corn yield Contest showed some of the highest results ever, with a record five entries surpassing the 400 bushel per acre mark.  Six production categories mean there is no overall winner, but the top three entries in each of the six categories averaged more than 375 bushels per acre.  When …

Ag Groups, Corn, NCGA

Why #Farmers Grow #GMOs

Cindy Zimmerman

Maryland farmer Chip Bowling agrees with a new survey that finds the main reason farmers have increased their use of genetically modified (GM) crops is sustainability. “We’re better at what we do because of technology, whether it’s seeds and traits or through the equipment that we use,” says Bowling, who farms on the Chesapeake Bay. He is also chairman of …

Audio, Biotech, Corn, GMO, NCGA, USFRA

#Farmers View GMOs as Sustainable

Cindy Zimmerman

According to a new survey of U.S. farmers and ranchers, the majority view biotechnology and GMO crops as an important solution in helping raise crops more efficiently. The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) and National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) surveyed over 280 farmers across the United States about their attitudes toward GMO crops and specifically the impact of biotechnology …

Biotech, Corn, GMO, NCGA, Sustainability, USFRA

Happy World #SoilDay!

Cindy Zimmerman

In 2002, the International Union of Soil Sciences made a resolution proposing the 5th of December as World Soil Day to celebrate the importance of soil as a critical component of the natural system and as a vital contributor to human well being. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has made it an annual campaign which aims to connect …

Conservation, NCGA, Soil, Soil Health Partnership, Video

CommonGround Celebrates Six Years

Kelly Marshall

CommonGround is celebrating its sixth year of connecting urban and suburban women with farm women who wish to tell the story of agriculture. The program, supported with checkoff dollars from the National Corn Growers Association of and the United Soybean Board, began with 15 female farmer volunteers from five states. Now the program boasts nearly 200 farm women from 19 …

Ag Groups, ASA, NCGA

Industry Pleased with EPA Biofuels Rule

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced final renewable fuel volume requirement increases under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program. “By implementing the program enacted by Congress, we are expanding the nation’s renewable fuels sector while reducing our reliance on imported oil,” said Janet McCabe, the agency’s acting assistant administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation. Under the …

Corn, EPA, Ethanol, NCGA, RFA

Reaction to Election and Policy Priorities for NCGA

Lizzy Schultz

Much of the conversation during NAFB’s Trade Talk last week surrounded the industry’s response to the election of Donald Trump, and the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) President Wesley Spurlock was on hand to discuss what this new administration will mean for NCGA and how the organization intends to move forward into the future. “It is great to have the …

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, NAFB, NCGA, politics, Trade

NCGA Partners with Benson Hill Biosystems

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) has partnered up with agriculture technology company Benson Hill Biosystems to use the power of cloud biology for the creation of new corn hybrids. The primary goal of the funding and partnership initiative will be to accelerate breeding and development of new corn hybrids utilizing CropOS™. “Our members are telling us loud and clear …

Corn, NCGA, Research