2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Beef Quality Assurance Update and Awards at CattleCon

Chuck Zimmerman

Translation of Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) materials into Spanish is underway. Veterinarians, producers, and anyone involved with worker training recognize the value of material provided in a language that the employee understands and multiple ways of providing that information, such as written, oral communication, or video. This is a major goal of the BQA program as educational resources expand. I …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Beef Checkoff, NCBA

The NCBA 2024 Advocate of the Year – Emma Coffman

Chuck Zimmerman

Back in the early days of social media we used the term, agvocate. But it really is advocating and there is a new 2024 Advocate of the Year. She’s Emma Coffman, from Temple, TX. She was selected by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff. The award recognizes Coffman for her creative use of storytelling across …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Beef Checkoff, NCBA, Social Media, Social Networking

CattleFax Forecast is Continued Strong Demand & High Price Outlook

Chuck Zimmerman

The popular CattleFax Outlook Seminar, held as part of CattleCon 2025 in San Antonio, Texas, shared expert market and weather analysis. Pictured are Jerry Adams, CattleFax President who is shown giving Randy Blach, CEO, CattleFax some recognition for his many years of service. Here are some excerpts and their remarks on stage. I’m starting with Matt Makens, Meteorologist / Atmospheric …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Markets, NCBA

NCBA Announces 2025 Policy Priorities

Cindy Zimmerman

This week, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s (NCBA) Executive Committee approved the organization’s policy priorities at CattleCon 2025. This year the focus will be on engaging with the Trump Administration and Congress to expand opportunities for producer profitability. “Right now it’s all about the first 100 days of a new administration. That’s really the focus of everything in Washington right …

Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA

Nebraska Cattleman Becomes New NCBA President

Cindy Zimmerman

Nebraska cattleman Buck Wehrbein stepped into the role of National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) president during CattleCon 2025, held this week in San Antonio, Texas. As president, Wehrbein sees both challenges and opportunities ahead, but he’s confident that NCBA’s unifying presence will remain critical to addressing key issues facing farmers and ranchers. He is particularly passionate about fostering opportunity for …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA

San Antonio Welcomes CattleCon 2025

Cindy Zimmerman

The biggest cattle industry event in the country kicked off today in San Antonio with thousands of cattle producers, industry partners and stakeholders attending CattleCon 2025. The day started with a issues update from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association team of policy experts. The opening general session featured the return of Buzz Brainard, host of Music Row Happy Hour, as …

Audio, Beef, Beef Checkoff, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA

CattleCon 2025 Preview

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s time for the 2025 CattleCon. To get a preview of this year’s event I spoke with Kristin Torres, Executive Director of Meetings and Event, NCBA. She covers all the activities and if you’re interested you can also just link to the schedule here. CattleCon is where the beef industry meets! We’re headed to San Antonio February 4-6, 2025! At …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Beef, NCBA

ZimmCast 738 – Reaction to Elections

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. In this episode I’m going to share some interviews from the NAFB Trade Talk about reactions from the recent presidential election. I’m going to include Mary Kay Thatcher, Syngenta Sr. Manager, Federal Government and Industry Relations; Brian Jennings, ACE CEO; Geoff Cooper, RFA CEO and Ethan Lane, NCBA, VP of Government Affairs. Adding to …

ACE, Ag Groups, Audio, NCBA, politics, RFA, Syngenta, ZimmCast

NCBA Pleased with Election Results, Hopeful for Farm Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2024 election turned out well for the nation’s cattle producers, according to National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane. “Whether it be a president that we’ve worked with before, whether it be the defeat of radical animal rights action around the country, a tremendous election cycle, and I think now eyes turn to what can …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Farm Bill, NAFB, NCBA