2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Fungicide Factors for Corn and Soybeans

Carrie Muehling

Disease pressure continues to be a challenge for corn and soybean producers, with the pathogens varying based on the crop and the geography of the farm. Corn growers often fight northern corn leaf blight, gray leaf spot, southern corn rust and common rust. Soybean growers may battle white mold in the north and frog eye leaf spot further south. Regardless, …

Audio, Crop Protection, FMC, Fungicide, National Farm Machinery Show

Check Out Deere’s Connect Mobile App

Kelly Marshall

If you’re familiar with John Deere‘s Seed Star Mobile app, get ready – the next big thing is here! Amy Pousson-Noonan was at the National Farm Machinery Show recently to launch the Connect Mobile app; a family of apps that helps monitor and learn from the performance of their planter or sprayer while its in the field. She explains that …

Agribusiness, Apps, Audio, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show

FMC Offers PPO Resistance Advice for Farmers

Kelly Marshall

When we say “resistance” most of us think glyphosate, but marestail and palmer amaranth have also developed a resistance to PPO in some states, according to FMC technical service representative Nick Hustedde. “It’s definitely a significant problem. It’s unfortunate any time we loose a herbicide technology,” Hustedde said during an interview at National Farm Machinery Show. But fortunately we can …

Audio, FMC, National Farm Machinery Show, NFMS

Deere Debutes Sprayer Improvements at #NFMS17

Kelly Marshall

Attendees of the National Farm Machinery Show got the first view of John Deere‘s new CommandView III cab on their 4-Series Sprayers and the 4600 CommandCenter that comes with it. Customers are always looking for ways to be more efficient– to spend less time setting up and more time spraying, says Jason Beuligmann, which is why John Deere has made …

Audio, Equipment, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show

Weather Outlook at #NFMS17

Cindy Zimmerman

Weather is always the main topic of discussion whenever farmers get together, so the weather outlook from Bryce Anderson, Senior Ag Meteorologist at DTN/The Progressive Farmer, is always a big draw at the National Farm Machinery Show. Anderson says the outlook for the corn belt is good this year as the Pacific Ocean has moved from a weak La Nina …

Audio, Farm Machinery, National Farm Machinery Show, Weather

FMC Promotes Cover Crops for Weed Control

Kelly Marshall

Growers will do about anything to control resistant palmer amaranth in the MidSouth region where Matt Wiggins works as a tech service manager for FMC. And while cover crops have been traditionally considered a method of erosion control, FMC has done a lot of work on understanding how they prevent weeds as well. They’re effective because they create a layer …

Audio, cover crops, Crop Protection, FMC, National Farm Machinery Show, weed management

Deere Showcases 5R Series Tractors at #NFMS17

Kelly Marshall

Chris Lammie is pretty excited about his job with John Deere small tractors– especially the brand new 5R Series being shown at the National Farm Machinery Show. The 5R series features incredible maneuverability with a 12.1 foot turning radius, a comfortable cab, brand new loader, improved visibility and a fully electronic clutch. It also comes with a fantastic lighting package, …

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Tractor

Protecting Weed Technologies with FMC

Kelly Marshall

Technologies used to control weeds today took perhaps decades to come online, Nick Hustedde of FMC told Chuck Zimmerman at the National Farm Machinery Show. That’s why it’s so important to preserve what we have and make it last as long as we can; looking down the line the technologies available to us today will need to last for the …

Audio, FMC, National Farm Machinery Show, weed management

#NFMS17 Sees Launch of Camso AG 2500 Series

Kelly Marshall

“There are a lot of reasons why you should be running a track system, but yield is what it all boils down to,” Eric Blondeau Executive Director of Tracks and Wheels at Camso told Chuck Zimmerman. For growers already familiar with the track’s benefits of being able to work in the fields whenever they like without compromising the soil, Camso …

Audio, National Farm Machinery Show

AEM Hosts Infrastructure Panel at #NFMS17

Cindy Zimmerman

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) hosted a rural infrastructure panel at the National Farm Machinery Show last week as part of its Infrastructure Vision 2050 initiative to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing U.S. infrastructure and its potential impact on the agriculture economy. The event was a follow-up to AEM’s Rural Infrastructure Summit held at Iowa State University last …

AEM, Audio, Equipment, National Farm Machinery Show, NFMS