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Flapcakes with Chef Ray

Chuck Zimmerman

Chef Ray made both kinds, pancakes and flapjacks. We call them flapcakes. So did you AgWired fans at the 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference survive the Brownfield Party for a little After Party Pancakes with Rhea + Kaiser? These folks did and I did too. There’s just something about having an early morning breakfast and then a later in the morning breakfast …

Agencies, NAMA, Video

NAMA Membership and Conference Attendance Growth

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference was a good one with an attendance near the record set in 2000 according to National Agri-Marketing Association President Beth Burgy, Broadhead. I spoke with Beth during the conference and agreed with her statement at our board meeting that it is really nice not to have major “issues” to be dealing with. However, the NAMA Executive …

Ag Groups, Audio, NAMA

Some #NAMA12 Social MentionAtivity

Chuck Zimmerman

We always want to know about how to measure social media. Do you with there was some simple mechanism that just takes one click? Yeah. Me too. Here’s a graphic looking at the 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference hashtag – #NAMA12. This is using Social Mention and looking at the “all” category. I like seeing 102 unique authors and zero negativity! It’s …

Ag Groups, NAMA

2012 NAMA Best of Show

Chuck Zimmerman

Thanks to a little help from the NAMA staff I can share photos of the Best of Show winners from the 2012 Best of NAMA competition. Up first is Best of Show – Advertising Client: South Dakota Corn Growers Association, Sioux Falls, SD – Teddi Mueller Agency: Paulsen Marketing, Sioux Falls, SD – Mindy Dale Message: Agriculture is a growing …

Ag Groups, Agencies, Agribusiness, NAMA

NAMA 2012 Marketer of the Year Award

Chuck Zimmerman

The NAMA Marketer of the Year Award is the organization’s highest honor for an active member and this year the recipient is Greg Guse, Paulsen Marketing. Pictured is Greg receiving his award from Rich Jefferson, AEM/AG CONNECT Expo, Professional Recognition Committee Chair (left) and NAMA President Beth Burgy, Broadhead. You can listen to Greg’s remarks after receiving his award here: …

Agencies, Audio, NAMA

NAMA 2012 Agribusiness Leader of the Year

Chuck Zimmerman

The NAMA Agribusiness Leader of the Year is the organization’s highest award. Receiving the 2012 award is John Becherer, United Soybean Board. Here’s John (right) on stage at the 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference receiving his award from Rich Jefferson, AEM/AG CONNECT Expo, Professional Recognition Committee Chair (left) and NAMA President Beth Burgy, Broadhead. John was introduced by Rich and I recorded …

Ag Groups, Audio, NAMA

Getting Our Photos Taken Together

Chuck Zimmerman

Just to prove people wrong . . . I kept hearing that “you and Cindy never get your pictures taken together.” Oh yes we do. But when you’re the photographers you’re mostly focused on other people. But just to show that we do do get our pictures taken together we took pictures of each of us at the same time …


The Brownfield Red Solo Cup Dancers

Chuck Zimmerman

This year at the 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference Brownfield Party we were treated to a performance by the Red Solo Cup Dancers. Here’s the dancing and singing troop before things got rowdy started. I wish I had all their names but I think they’re most well known as a team. So you can figure out who they are. You may also …

Media, NAMA, Video

Corporate Social Media How “Not To”

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello AgWired fans. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about why our coverage of this year’s 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference has been so “skimpy.” The simple answer has been two words, internet access. The Sheraton here has apparently had major problems with their internet access. So I will be uploading hundreds of great photos that Cindy and I have taken …


NAMA Connection Point Off To Great Start

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference trade show known as the Connection Point got off to a great start tonight. Here’s the ZimmComm team including our daughter Caitlin on the left with Cindy and myself. If we didn’t get to see you there yet then please stop by sometime tomorrow and pick up your screen cleaner since Cleanliness is next to Appiness. …