2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NAMA Fall Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Sometimes what happens at NAMA stays at NAMA. Unless it’s on Flickr! The 2014 National Agri-Marketing Association Fall Conference has come and gone. I was unable to attend this year. It would have been my last Executive Committee Mtg. but family came first. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and camaraderie of working with some great agrimarketers the last three …

Ag Groups, NAMA, Video

NAMA Announces Professional Development Awards of Excellence

Jamie Johansen

The National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) has named four recipients of the 2014 Professional Development Awards of Excellence. These awards honor NAMA members based on outstanding achievement in four professional development areas including: marketing communications, public relations, product/species management and sales. Award winners include: Marketing Communications Award of Excellence Ryan Rarking, marketing communications manager, Beck’s Hybrids Public Relations Award of Excellence …

Ag Groups, NAMA

Another Successful NAMA Boot Camp


This year marked the 11th annual NAMA Boot Camp, a three day conference for professionals in the agriculture industry or in marketing positions. Event participants were able to hear from several different speakers with topics ranging from challenges in the beef industry to the latest and greatest technologies. I visited with NAMA Boot Camp Chair Amanda Sollman to learn more …

Agribusiness, Audio, Marketing, NAMA

NAMA Fall Conference Reminder

Chuck Zimmerman

This is a reminder about the NAMA Fall Conference. I’ll be there. Will you? There is a great lineup of speakers coming to Chicago. Here are a few of them: Steve Hughes, founder and President of Hit Your Stride, LLC., has made it his mission to help people look and sound smart when they talk. He will give you great …

Ag Groups, NAMA

NAMA Happenings and Update

Chuck Zimmerman

The Executive Committee of the National Agri-Marketing Association met yesterday and even though I could not make it thanks to plane problems and weather I got all caught up with President Kenna Rathai this morning. So this week’s program is our conversation in which Kenna talks about what the committee discussed or did during the quarterly meeting. First up is …

Ag Groups, Audio, NAMA, ZimmCast

NAMA Exec Comm Meets

Chuck Zimmerman

Thanks to our fearless National Agri-Marketing Association President, Kenna Rathai, I can share a photo from today’s Executive Committee Mtg. I should be there. But I’m not. I want to be there. But I’m not. And it’s not Delta’s fault. I got as far as Atlanta today. My flight to the meeting in Chicago was delayed and after we boarded …


Next NAMA Webinar

Chuck Zimmerman

This one is titled, “Why You Don’t Work in Agriculture Anymore.” It will be held on June 26, 2pm eastern, for 1 hours. Cost is $50. Register here. Today, consumer perceptions about everything from animal welfare and antibiotics to GMOs and government regulations can have a substantial impact on farming operations of all kinds and sizes. If agricultural marketers hope …


Google Glass Intern

Kristin Liska

This past week at the NAMA convention, I was lucky enough to try the infamous Google Glass. Needless to say, I fell in love with it. I am sure for the first ten minutes I looked like an idiot trying to figure it out, but I got the hang of it. While I was wearing them, all I could think …

Media, NAMA, Technology

NAMA Trade Show Through ZimmGlass

Chuck Zimmerman

Google Glass got a lot of attention during the Connection Point at this year’s Agri-Marketing Conference. Here’s Bruce Rasa, TekWearAg, doing a demo with Karen and Cliff from GROWMARK. Bruce patiently conducted countless demos during his time working with us in the ZimmComm booth. We really appreciate his participation and have enjoyed a great relationship as we work on ideas …

Ag Groups, NAMA, Video

Cal Poly Wins NAMA Student Competition

Cindy Zimmerman

Six outstanding student NAMA teams made it to the final round of the competition last week and the final winner was California Polytechnic State University – Cal Poly. Congratulations to the teams from Illinois State University, Michigan State University, Iowa State University, University of Florida, and to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was a great competition this year …

Agribusiness, NAMA, Video