Who is NAMA? We are NAMA!

Chuck Zimmerman

During the Agri-Marketing Conference the National Agri-Marketing Association premiered a new video to help promote the NAMA brand. Who is NAMA? We are NAMA. That’s the clear message you’ll get when you watch it. This video is part of the effort undertaken by the board and executive committee to come up with ideas for helping promote and encouragement membership in …

Ag Groups, NAMA, Video

AgriBank Insights Wins National Award

Kelly Marshall

Last week the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) recognized some of the best work in agri-makerting.  AgriBank was among those recognized with a first place in the company publications category. The Farm Credit Bank was highlighted for AgriBank Insights.  You can find these reports on the AgriThought page of AgriBank.com. They offer information important to producers, including feature reporting, research, and in-depth analysis designed …

Agribusiness, Farm Credit, NAMA

2016 NAMA Agribusiness Leader of the Year

Chuck Zimmerman

The National Agri-Marketing Association bestowed its highest honor on W. Dwight Armstrong, Ph.D, during the Agri-Marketing Conference. Dwight is the CEO of the National FFA Organization. During his remarks Dwight said, “You know, when you get this type of recognition, it’s not about you, it’s about the people you surround yourself with.” He said that as he thought about what …

Ag Groups, Audio, FFA, NAMA

Fanger Awarded Agri-Marketer of the Year

Jamie Johansen

Dan Fanger was awarded the 2016 National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) Marketer of the Year earlier this year and during the “From the Ground Up” Agri-Marketing Conference he was presented with his award. Fanger, who is the Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Unverferth Manufacturing, Co., Inc., has earned this honor for his outstanding accomplishment in agri-marketing. The award has …

Ag Groups, Audio, Marketing, NAMA

CommonGround Recognized at NAMA

Kelly Marshall

The National Agri-Marketing Association recognized the advocacy group, CommonGround during their National Awards Ceremony. The group won first place in the Social Tactic category, as well as Best of Show- Digital and the first-ever NAMA Grand Champion award for their video, “Ask a Farmer.” Their newly redesigned website also won first place in the Website Directed to Consumers category. CommonGround …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, NAMA

DTN Offers Many Great Things at NAMA

Kelly Marshall

DTN/The Progressive Farmer has been making a “latte” noise this week.  To launch their newly redesigned website the team hosted not one, but two parties at the National Agri-Marketers Conference!  The Morning Barista Coffee Lounge opened bright and early so attendees could sip caffeine while perusing www.dtnpf.com.  The After Hours Dessert Lounge provided the night owls with something a little …

Agribusiness, NAMA

Marvin Kokes Steps Down as NAMA President

Kelly Marshall

The National Agri-Marketing Association has kicked off its 2016 annual meeting and AgWired caught our first interview with Marvin Kokes, the outgoing President of NAMA.  Kokes comes from the National Cattlemens Beef Association and looks forward to focusing his time and efforts there once again, but but believes NAMA is truly an amazing organization. The conference will feature some great …

Agribusiness, NAMA

#ZimmieZebra is Zelfie Ready

Jamie Johansen

#ZimmieZebra made it to her temporary home this weekend and jumped at the chance to stretch her legs after her long journey. Tomorrow Zimmie and I will make the trip to Kansas City for the 2016 Agri-Marketing Conference, but wanted to make sure she wasn’t camera shy and ready for the many Zelfies to come. Thankfully, she thoroughly enjoyed getting …

Agribusiness, NAMA, Nufarm, ZimmComm Announcement

Zimmie the Zebra Looking for New Home at #NAMA16

Chuck Zimmerman

Meet Zimmie the Zebra. This rare pygmy zebra has been homeless for some time as habitat in her native land of Zambia has been disappearing. When I found out about this I called Brian Rund, Nufarm, because he and I had worked on a zebra home placement project during Potato Expo earlier this year. During that show we helped Chip, …

Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Livestock, NAMA, Nufarm

NAMA Announces Marketer of the Year

Kelly Marshall

Dan Fanger has been announced the 2016 National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) Marketer of the Year. Fanger, who is the Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Unverferth Manufacturing, Co., Inc., has earned this honor for his outstanding accomplishment in agri-marketing.  The award has been promoting excellence in the industry for more than 50 years and this year’s presentation will be held at …

Agribusiness, NAMA