2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Chopping Corn Heads From John Deere

Chuck Zimmerman

John Deere has some big machinery on display here and one of the biggest is a 9560 STS Bullet Rotor Combine. On hand to talk about it is Ron Moron (right), product specialist for John Deere. I talked with John this morning and learned what the product offers growers who are becoming more interested in how to make their corn …

Audio, Corn, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Syngenta

Automatic Detachment From WestphaliaSurge

Chuck Zimmerman

I was surprised to learn how many dairy farmers visit the National Farm Machinery Show. This afternoon I visited the WestphaliaSurge booth and talked with Jerry Quellhorst. They’ve got a large exhibit here and he says he spoke with dairymen from states all over the country today. He said about half their crew is here and the other half is …

Audio, Dairy, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Syngenta

Competition Tractors on Display

Chuck Zimmerman

During the day attendees here at the National Farm Machinery Show can mingle with the drivers and mechanics who are competing in the Championship Tractor Pull which runs each evening. Most of the competitors are displayed around the arena here like the “Black Viper” here. This has got to be a tractor lovers dream location and it was packed with …

John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Syngenta

Protect Those Plants Early

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Clarence Swanton was here at the National Farm Machinery Show today. He’s a researcher from the University of Guelph, Ontario who’s done research on the mechanism of yield loss. He was in the Syngenta booth to talk to growers about yield protection. I think his research is fascinating because he’s looking into the environment in which a seedling grows, …

Audio, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Syngenta

OptiGro Snapshots From John Deere

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the cool things John Deere is talking about in their booth here at the National Farm Machinery Show is their OptiGro Variable Rate Imagery System. Pictured here is the spectral imaging camera they use to take pictures with. This system is available through the John Deere Agri Services division. According to Midwest Manager, Jeff Keiser, farmers can get …

Audio, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Syngenta

Live From the National Farm Machinery Show

Chuck Zimmerman

This show has been interesting from the media standpoint since we don’t really have a common location to work from. Usually all of us media types can work side by side in relative peace and quiet away from the crowds. This afternoon I did a walk around and found some of my media buddies working in various places. Jeff Nalley, …

John Deere, Media, National Farm Machinery Show, Syngenta