2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Universal Internet Access By 2007

Chuck Zimmerman

I know you probably get tired of hearing me talk about farmers and the internet but I think there’s a lot of ag communications folks out there who just aren’t “getting it” yet. In fact, I dare say there’s almost a resistance to using new internet technologies to reach farmers and the ag community. Part of it is a lack of knowledge by the people doing the agrimarketing! That’s why professional development opportunities like NAMA Boot Camp are so important. But I would encourage all agrimarketers to go to other types of professional development opportunities as well.


Use Google News As A Clipping Service

Chuck Zimmerman

Google NewsWant an inexpensive news clipping service? Want to keep up with the news on a specific subject? Have you tried Google News? For a while now you’ve been ableto set up a Google News Alert for any keywords which generates an email to you with links to stories Google find for those words. You can have it set up for delivery as it happens, once a day or once a week.


Rural Nebraska Is High Speed Internet Connected

Chuck Zimmerman

Technologies Across NebraskaImagine that 100 % of the people in Nebraska have broadband internet access available to them! No way you say? You’re wrong. It’s here and in a state that I’d bet you wouldn’t think it. This is a long post but I think this is fascinating. To get to the 100 % you have to figure in satellite but without it this document says that 57 % of rural Nebraska has it. That’s up 15 % in just one year! This information was put out by University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension. I have to believe without doing some research that you’ll find initiatives like this across the country. It’s a “wired” world folks. By that I mean connected to the internet. Resistance is futile.

Agribusiness, Internet