2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Best Time To Send Email

Chuck Zimmerman

I posted this last night but it got deleted in our server move (which is still in process). I’m sure I wrote this differently but here’s today’s creativity. The question of when to send out an email or e-newsletter is definitely one everybody has an opinion on. Now we have some interesting research from Exact Target to help us decide. …


What’s Blue, French and English

Chuck Zimmerman

Canadian Belgian Blue AssociationHere’s a new website to look at. The Canadian Belgian Blue Association is now online. It’s simple and has a unique multi-lingual functionality. When you visit the home page text is in English on the left and French on the right. So you’ve basically got a bi-lingual mirrored website. Nicely done folks. Lots of pictures. Loads fast. There is one little animated title thing but I can take that. Otherwise it’s information in short chunks that are easy to navigate to.

Ag Groups, Internet

Clean Your Corn At New Dow Site

Chuck Zimmerman

Dow Acetochlor WebsiteDow AgroSciences has a new website. The creative element is a series of road signs that guide you through the information and pages. There’s even video. I guess this is just another sign that the agribusiness companies are investing in the online content tools that require broadband access to function properly. They must believe their customers have it or soon will.

Agribusiness, Internet, Video