2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Live Web ChickenCast

Chuck Zimmerman

Sanderson FarmsThe “100% Chicken, Naturally.” folks, Sanderson Farms, will be taking part in a live webcast from the National Chicken Council annual meeting on Thursday. This sure seems like something that makes so much sense today that I don’t know why we don’t see more organizations or companies doing it. It’s a great way to reach the media that can’t attend, your customers who are interested and can’t attend and by recording and archiving it you can use elements of it in news releases, on your website, in your podcasts, newsletters and presentations. I’m guessing Sanderson Farms knows this and will be doing so.

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Internet

Reaching Foodies Today

Chuck Zimmerman

eMarketer.com Study I know there are a lot of you who work for or support groups who want to reach consumers about various kinds of food. You might be interested in a recent story on eMarketer.com that contains some study information like in this graphic. They pulled together information from a couple of sources like the following:

Food, Internet