2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Excellence Awards for Precision Agriculture

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2015 PrecisionAg Magazine Awards of Excellence were presented this week at the InfoAg Conference by Paul Schrimpf, Executive Editor. First up on stage was Dave Scheiderer, founder, Integrated Ag Services. He has been named the Crop Adviser/Entrepreneur Award Winner. I have captured each winner’s introduction by Paul along with their comments for you. Listen to Dave here: The next …

Audio, Info Ag, Media

iCropTrak at InfoAg Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

The InfoAg Conference is only four weeks away and companies like iCropTrak are getting excited to showcase their products to a record setting crowd in St. Louis. iCropTrak has been a supporter of ours for several years now and I look forward to visiting with them in the trade show and during a session I will be moderating that includes …

Agribusiness, Audio, CropTrak, Info Ag, Precision Agriculture, ZimmCast

InfoAg Conference Heading for Another Record Attendance

Chuck Zimmerman

There is an AgNerd’s paradise of a conference coming up in July. It’s the 2015 InfoAg Conference, the premier event in precision agriculture. I will be there courtesy of John Deere and GROWMARK. We learn more about this year’s conference and program from Quentin Rund, Conference Secretary, PAQ Interactive. InfoAg 2014 was a record-setting success. Over 1400 participants shared in …

Audio, Info Ag, Precision Agriculture, ZimmCast

Precision and Data Brings Companies Together

Cindy Zimmerman

One of the great aspects of the InfoAg Conference is company-to-company communications and partnerships for the benefit of farmers. We talked with Kevin Krieg, John Deere Intelligent Solutions Group Product Line Manager, about how important it is to work with other companies. “It’s one of the biggest roadblocks to being able to get more adoption of precision technologies – the …

Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

SPADE Digs into Data Sharing

Cindy Zimmerman

Many booths at the recent InfoAg Conference sported this little sign: AgGateway – SPADE Participant. We caught up with AgGateway Standards Director Jim Wilson at the John Deere booth to learn more about the SPADE project. “SPADE stands for Standardized Precision Ag Data Exchange,” Wilson explained. As a non-profit industry consortium, AgGateway is facilitating the project which will ultimately benefit …

Ag Leader, Agribusiness, Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Precision Agriculture, Technology