2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Delaro Fungicide Shows Yield Advantage in Corn, Soybeans

Jamie Johansen

Bayer has released results from 500 DelaroTM field trials which took place in 20 states. Across two years of trials, Delaro averaged a 12 to 18 bushel-per-acre increase in corn and a four to five bushel-per-acre increase in soybeans compared to an untreated check. In these trials, Delaro had a 90 percent win rate over the untreated check. The recent …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic, Corn, Fungicide, Soybean, Video

Fungicide Factors for Corn and Soybeans

Carrie Muehling

Disease pressure continues to be a challenge for corn and soybean producers, with the pathogens varying based on the crop and the geography of the farm. Corn growers often fight northern corn leaf blight, gray leaf spot, southern corn rust and common rust. Soybean growers may battle white mold in the north and frog eye leaf spot further south. Regardless, …

Audio, Crop Protection, FMC, Fungicide, National Farm Machinery Show

Delaro™ Fungicide Ready to Work for Growers in 2018

Cindy Zimmerman

*POST UPDATED with grower interview* Bayer’s new Delaro™ fungicide for corn and soybeans was put to the test by growers this past season in 500 field trials across 20 states and passed with flying colors by providing broad-spectrum disease control, dual mode of action residual and improved plant health. “Disease pressure was inconsistent across the country this year, meaning some …

Audio, Bayer, Corn, Crop Protection, Fungicide, Soybean

Delaro from Bayer Coming Soon

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer will soon be launching a new fungicide called Delaro for U.S. growers that has a dual mode-of-action and broader spectrum of disease control. “Delaro is going to be our new foliar fungicide mostly for corn and soybeans,” said Thorsten Schwindt, Bayer Senior Product Manager, during an interview at the NAFB convention earlier this month. “We really designed it for …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Fungicide, NAFB

Achieve Your Personal Best Yields with Bayer’s Delaro™

Jamie Johansen

Bayer understands the need for chemistry that covers a broad range of environmental conditions. They also know the best way to do that is with a product that has two modes of action focused on advanced formulas with unique movement the entire growing season. We spoke with Bayer’s Dr. Randy Myers during the 2017 Farm Progress Show who provided us …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Corn, Crop Science, Farm Progress Show, Fungicide, Soybean

FMC Explains Fungicide Factors

Chuck Zimmerman

I’ve been learning a lot about fungicides lately and got another lesson with Brent Neuberger, FMC Senior Technical Sales Manager, during the Ag Media Summit. Brent starts out explaining that farmers are starting to see some issues in soybeans with frogeye leaf spot which even includes resistance to some of the strobilurin products. That’s why he says it’s very important …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, FMC, Fungicide

FMC Topguard® EQ Helps Fight Frogeye

Chuck Zimmerman

Controlling resistant frogeye leaf spot in soybeans has become a major concern in the southern states, which is where Topguard® EQ from FMC excels, according to Technical Service Manager Matt Wiggins. “My region here in the mid-South, that’s primarily the disease we’re chasing in soybeans,” said Wiggins at the recent Farm and Gin Show in Memphis. “The Topguard® EQ is …

Audio, FMC, Fungicide, Soybean

FMC’s Topguard Terra Now Approved for Even More

Kelly Marshall

Ken Smith, FMC Technical Service Representative for Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma, says Topguard Terra fungicide is something cotton growers are going to adopt. At the recent Mid-South Farm and Gin Show he explained how the product controls cotton root rot, a problem that has plagued cotton growers in the southwest since it was brought into the country, comparing it …

Agribusiness, Audio, FMC, Fungicide

Protecting Fungicide Tech with @UnitedSoy

Kelly Marshall

The United Soybean Board created Take Action as a program to fight against herbicide resistant weeds. The program has been successful, with positive collaborations and progress being made. Now they’re announcing an expansion to include not only resistant weeds, but fungicide resistance in soybeans as well. “Now really is the time to take action and inform people and educate people …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Fungicide, USB

Finding Out What’s New with FMC at #Classic17

Chuck Zimmerman

What’s new with FMC? Of course that’s our theme. Thank you to FMC for being a sponsor of our coverage of this year’s Commodity Classic! Let’s start out my coverage of what’s new with FMC with an interview with Kaustubh Borah. He is seen in the photo being interviewed by Sabrina Hill, AgNet West. One of the new products coming …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, FMC, Fungicide, Video