No doubt you’ve seen these cows on a billboard somewhere. They are now hall of famers.
Nominate Your Favorite Red Meat Exec
Who’s your favorite red meat industry executive? You might want to nominate him/her for the 8th annual Richard L. Knowlton Innovation Award. This award is given by Meatingplace and honors executives of the red meat industry who demonstrate exceptional business leadership, product or process innovation and overall exemplary corporate citizenship.
MyPyramid Website Rocks Along
Last week was the one year anniversary for the USDA MyPyramid food guidance system. Apparently the website has received a huge amount of traffic making it “one of the most popular federal websites ever.”
Virtual Wine Exhibition
These virtual exhibitions are very cool. I just participated in one this past weekend. Here’s one you can really get your palate around. Although, sniffing the aroma after popping a cork might be a little challenging. And I’m not sure a virtual cabernet is as good as the real thing. But hey, check it out.
Moo, Oink and Rap
Are you a rapper wanna be? Wanna rap about meat? Then enter the Moo & Oink Jingle Contest. You can listen to winners here.
Have a Steak Sundae
I just had to post this because of the picture. We just sent out a Talking News Release for long time client, the Missouri Beef Industry Council on the steak sundae. It had me fooled when I first looked at it. I was wondering how beef would go with ice cream. But read on:
Food Code 2005
Do you want to know all about:
Here’s To Beer
Cindy showed me an ad in our local paper for Here’s To Beer. It doesn’t say much other than that we should raise our glasses on April 7th and celebrate.
A March Meaty March
After just finishing a Quiznos salad that must have contained about a pound of roast beef and bacon I was very happy to see the Colman’s Mustard, Meatylicious March website, (thank you Chroma, via AdJab).
Plump, Juicy Purplo’s
Just the other day I was having a discussion about how sometimes food doesn’t always come out the color you’d like on a bilboard. Like seeing one that’s been up a while and a red, juicy steak starts to look kind of purplish. Well this product is purple on purpose. It’s Hellers Purplo’s Honey Cocktail Sausages. They came out with them at the end of last year but I just noticed them on AdJab.