2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Cheese Fuel

Laura McNamara

A Wisconsin entrepreneur says producers don´t have to rely on corn, or even cellulosic waste, to create ethanol. Joe Van Groll, Owner of Grand Meadow Energy, LLC, says he can create ethanol from cheese water waste. Joe says this new method for creating ethanol is a great alternative. He points out that the ethanol industry is the target of negative …

Corn, Ethanol, Farming, Food, Technology

Final Farewell to Mr. Potato Head at Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade

Laura McNamara

The famed mascot of the U.S. Potato Board will make one last appearance at the 2007 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The board says it plans to retire the balloon after this year’s parade. So, you might want to make a special effort to catch the annual parade and get a final glimpse at the cheerfully oversized, classic ag icon. The …

Ag Groups, Audio, Farming, Food

Thanksgiving Meal Costs Higher

Chuck Zimmerman

This came out last week during the NAFB convention but I just couldn’t get to it until now. It has taken a day or two to get unpacked from a couple weeks on the road. I’ve already got part of our Turkey Day meal purchased but I’m not finished yet. This chart is from the release sent out by the …

Ag Groups, Food

Beef U

Laura McNamara

The course objective: get more beef on more menus. The Beef Checkoff Program launched “Beef University“, earlier this year to offer the food service industry more education on beef. Beef Checkoff has partnered with Taco Bell, Boston Market and Quizno’s in the program to promote beef in food options outside the home. “Beef University” is a two cd set that …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Beef, Education, Food, University

And the Award for America’s Worst Cook Goes To…

Laura McNamara

No. That’s not a typo. The American Egg Board really has an award for ‘America’s Worst Cook’. This year’s “kitchen klutz” winner prepared Thanksgiving Stuffing in a clothes dryer. It’s not often that a clothes dryer is a part of cooking Thanksgiving dinner, but then again, you probably haven’t spent much time with Shannon Mountjoy and her family. Her sister, …

Ag Groups, Food

Chasing After Cottonseed Oil

Laura McNamara

Cottonseed Oil is greasing up the highways during its ‘Comeback Tour.’ New uses for cottonseed oil are popping up across the U.S. and the National Cottonseed Products Association is making sure consumers can track where and how the oil is being used, even if they can’t make a cross-country trek. Cottonseedoiltour.com takes visitors zigzagging across a web-browser sized U.S. to …

Ag Groups, Cotton, Food

Getting Creative with Corn

Laura McNamara

The first-ever Morningstar Farms Veggie Creations Contest is being touted as a success. The contest urged vegetable enthusiasts to showcase their creative veggie creations. Melissa Pantel-Ku of Chagrin Falls, Ohio created the winning photo/video entry entitled, “The Unicorn: An a-MAIZE-ing beast.” Selected by veggie sculptor and founder of Veggy Art, James Parker, Melissa has won a trip for two to …

Corn, Food

World-Class Chef Promotes Eco-friendly Food

Laura McNamara

Energy and fuels aren’t the only commodities America is becoming more environmentally conscious about. World-class chef and restaurateur Mario Batali is encouraging consumers to become eco-friendly with their food. Mario is working with the Earthlab Foundation in a campaign to promote environmentally friendly food options. The online segment at Earthlab.com features tips and insight into to making better food related …

Environment, Farming, Food

‘Tis the Season for Cranberries

Laura McNamara

Fall is well underway and winter is fast approaching. Although various regions of the country seem to be staving off Old Man Frost for the most part, the Cranberry Marketing Committee doesn’t want you to forget about their favorite fruit of the season, and adds the fruit is available year-long. Cranberries grow on low-lying vines in watertight beds layered with …

Ag Groups, Food

American Chestnut Foundation Book to Save Chestnuts from Roasted Identity

Laura McNamara

The chestnut is teetering on the brink of extinction. At least, that’s what the American Chestnut Foundation fears. In an effort to save chestnuts from nonexistence, the foundation has released Mighty Giants: An American Chestnut Anthology, a book the foundations says offers an inspiring story of an American symbol. The book offers up a saga of a unique and exceptional …

Ag Groups, Food