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Key Consumer Trends

Chuck Zimmerman

The leader for the trends team within the consumer insights strategy group at General Mills is Carol Bagnoli. Carol was part of the Macro Food Trends Panel Discussion at the National Agri-Marketing Trends In Agriculture conference. She looks at consumer trends and how they’re shifting including consumer values, behavior shifts outside of food, food trends, health trends, sustainability and demographic …

Audio, Food, NAMA

Food Trends

Chuck Zimmerman

What are the trends in food facing a company like Hy-Vee? We found out at the NAMA Trends In Agriculture conference from Rose Mitchell, Senior VP, Governmental Relations. Rose says there are four key trends they are looking at that include health, safety, taste and how to cook. She says they listen to their customers to identify these trends and …

Audio, Food, NAMA

Big Truck Tacos Wins Great Food Truck Race

Chuck Zimmerman

The winner of the Great Food Truck Race, Food Network, is Big Truck Tacos. This is a contest it would be fun to participate in, which I sort of did at Farm Progress Show. Of course lots of people did by voting online. Here’s a local news clip from Oklahoma City about the team/truck at the start of the competition.


National Cheeseburger Day

Chuck Zimmerman

Don’t forget that tomorrow is National Cheeseburger Day. It’s a time to get that grill going, or oven, or frying pan . . . Americans celebrate National Cheeseburger Day, September 18, 2010, with classic beef cheeseburgers, a favorite American tradition. As a preferred topping on the burger, 44% choose American cheese, 38% like Cheddar and 23% also say they sometimes …

Ag Groups, Beef, Food

I Farm to Feed the World

Joanna Schroeder

During the Farm Progress Show, Bayer CropScience kicked off a new initiative called, “I Farm to Feed the World,” in an effort to raise awareness about the need to decrease global hunger amidst a growing population. I spoke with Mark Wrucke about the program and he said, “We’re a global organization and we realize ag has some real challenges coming. …

Audio, Environment, Farm Progress Show, Farm Shows, Food

Lady Gaga Gags PETA

Cindy Zimmerman

Lady Gaga definitely won the prize for most outrageous outfit at the MTV awards on Sunday night with an all-meat ensemble complete with hat, shoes and purse that people are still talking about. The sound of Hollywood vegans and vegetarians gagging was music to the ears when she walked up on stage in the outfit to accept the award for …

Beef, Food, Wackos

Who’s Your Butcher?

Chuck Zimmerman

Who is your butcher? That’s the question and you can vote on the entries in the contest here. This contest is being conducted by Protein University and was brought to my attention via email today by Kari Underly, Range, Inc. So watch her video entry and go vote!

Food, Video