2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New FFA Officer Team

Cindy Zimmerman

Students from Georgia, Arkansas, Colorado, Tennessee, Kentucky and New Mexico were elected to serve on the 2014-15 National FFA Officer team. From left to right they are: Andy Paul of Georgia, an agricultural education major at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, was elected president. Caleb Gustin of New Mexico, an agricultural business and agricultural economics major at New Mexico State University, …


FFA Members Show Passion for the Future

Taylor Truckey

As FFA members work their way through the National FFA Convention Expo in Louisville, they are greeted by a variety of agribusiness and collegiate exhibits. Although each exhibit has developed it’s own message, theme, and purpose, many share a common goal of focusing on future opportunities and growth within agriculture. FMC is no different; they are inviting members to step into …

Agribusiness, FMC

FMC’s Investment in Farming’s Future

Jamie Johansen

Over the past couple of years FMC has put a strong emphasis on investing in farming’s future. Here at the 87th National FFA Convention they are asking students to step into their sound booth and share what investing in farming’s future means to them. Following the convention FMC will create a mashup of the students audio to share with their …

Agribusiness, Audio, FFA, FMC

FFA – You are the Future

Jamie Johansen

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack spoke to FFA members in attendance for one of the opening sessions at the 87th National FFA Convention & Expo this morning. He speaks at many different venues, but said this audience is the hardest because he is following young people who are very well spoken, don’t use any notes and never skip a beat. “This …

Ag Groups, Audio, FFA, FMC, USDA

Go All Out! at the 87th National FFA Convention

Jamie Johansen

The streets of Louisville, KY are flooded with FFA members from across the country here to attend the 87th National FFA Convention & Expo. The largest youth organization currently have over 600,000 members and their mission of Premier Leadership, Personal Growth and Career Success is modeled in all the organization does for the future of the agricultural industry. Day one …

Ag Groups, Audio, Education, FFA, FMC

FMC Invests in Farming’s Future Via FFA

Jamie Johansen

Illustrating its commitment to investing in farming’s future, FMC Corporation is helping youth education through support of FFA. “To continue America’s leadership in agriculture, we need to engage students now,” said John Kasper, FMC Agricultural Solutions North America commercial business director. “FFA prepares students for more than 300 careers and reaches more than 600,000 members. Our support can make a …

Agribusiness, Education, FFA, FMC

FFA Membership at Record Level

Cindy Zimmerman

Membership in the National FFA Organization is exploding. Membership in the student organization that was founded 86 years ago now stands at 610,240 – which represents an increase of more than 30,500 since last year. The number of new, local FFA chapters throughout the country grew to 7,665. “FFA, through agricultural education, is preparing our youth to ensure the security …

Education, FFA, FMC

FMC Anthem Singing Contest Winner

Chuck Zimmerman

The winner by popular votes of the 2014 FMC “Stand & Be Heard Anthem Singing Contest” is Lindsay Webber. That $10,000 scholarship prize money is going to come in pretty handy! “I want to thank FMC for the opportunity. It was such an awesome experience to be able to perform with the other finalists and musicians in Nashville,” said Webber. …

Agribusiness, Education, FMC, Video

FMC Corporation to Acquire Cheminova

Cindy Zimmerman

FMC Corporation today announced an agreement to acquire Denmark-based crop protection company Cheminova for $1.8 billion. “We are very excited about the opportunity to combine Cheminova with our own Agricultural Solutions business,” said Pierre Brondeau, FMC Corporation president, CEO and chairman. “Cheminova is a company that we have long considered to be an attractive potential partner. It follows a similar …

Agribusiness, Crop Protection, FMC

FMC Partners with John Deere Financial

Joanna Schroeder

Adam Prestegord is an oilseed and cereals crop segment manager for FMC who has recently partnered with John Deere Financial to offer several offers for growers to finance key crop inputs. I learned more about this initiative from Prestegord during the 2014 Farm Progress Show held in Boone, Iowa. FMC was a sponsor of our coverage of the event. “We’ve …

Agribusiness, Audio, Crop Protection, Farm Progress Show, FMC