2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

U.S. Hemp Growers Association Launched

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Hemp Growers Association (USHGA) was announced this week in Indianapolis as the “only national farmer-directed hemp trade association.” Founding partners that came together to create USHGA include U.S. Hemp Farming Alliance, First Crop, International Hemp Solutions, HiLo Seed, GenCanna and Farm Journal. At launch, more than 300 farmer-members of U.S. Hemp Farming Alliance will fold into USHGA. Caren …

Cannabis, Farming, hemp

ZimmCast 631 – Hemp in the Heartland

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program you can hear Cindy talk with Wayne Gale, Stokes Seeds and Chairman of the American Seed Trade Association, about the upcoming ASTA CSS & Seed Expo. I then talk with Bill Cook, Executive Director of the Missouri Hemp Association about their inaugural Heart of America Agricultural Hemp Classic (registration started on Black Friday). Wayne talks about …

Ag Groups, ASTA, Audio, Farming, hemp, ZimmCast

Farmers in the Democratic Debate

Cindy Zimmerman

Farmers got about two minutes of airtime during the Democratic presidential candidate debate last night. South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg was asked whether he would continue the “farm subsidies” that President Trump has authorized to help farmers struggling from the impact of the trade war with China. “We shouldn’t have to pay farmers to take the edge off of …

Audio, Ethanol, Farming, politics, Trade

ZimmCast 629 – Farming Hemp in Florida

Chuck Zimmerman

This week I attended the inaugural Florida Industrial Hemp Conference & Expo in Orlando. Hemp has become a hot topic in agriculture today since so many states have created legislation allowing it to be grown and more are in the process. That includes my home state of Florida. I asked all the people I spoke with or interviewed during the …

Ag Groups, Audio, Farming, hemp, ZimmCast

Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year

Chuck Zimmerman

We couldn’t attend Sunbelt this year but thanks to their staff we’ve got this big announcement from the show this week. Michael H. McDowell of Vernon Hill, Virginia has been selected as the overall winner of the Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year award for 2019. He is a fourth generation Halifax County farmer and cattleman who grows …

Farming, Sunbelt Ag Expo

USFRA “30 Harvests” Focuses on Farmers and Climate Change

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) has unveiled a short film called “30 Harvests” that highlights agriculture’s role in battling climate change for the next 30 years. Thirty harvests quantifies the crop cycles left before 2050, the year the global population is expected to be 9 billion people. The docudrama follows the plight of farmer Jay Hill of Dell …

Farming, Sustainability, USFRA

Hemp Farming is Getting Real

Cindy Zimmerman

The seeds planted in the 2018 farm bill legalizing the production of hemp as an agricultural commodity are starting to grow. Florida has officially entered the field with the governor just signing a measure allowing an agricultural hemp program to be developed. Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried believes hemp could be the boost the state’s farm sector and rural areas …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Farming, hemp

Can-Am on the Farm

Chuck Zimmerman

This summer a Can-Am Defender has proven its value on a farm, the Walkin’Z Ranch to be precise. The Defender has shown how well it works while deer hunting but what about chores around a farm? Walkin’Z Ranch is owned by my brother/sister-in-law, Paul and Laura Zimmerman and they have property in Georgia. While I visited for Father’s Day weekend …

Can-Am, Farming, Video

Can-Am Adds Mossy Oak Camouflage To 2020 Defender

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s a vehicle that would look great out at the Crystal Pig Hunt Club! We’ve got some tough conditions there that would make using one of these very desirable. Here is the announcement. The 2020 Can-Am Defender XMR MAX is now available in Mossy Oak Country camo, and is loaded with upgrades for 2020, all designed to enhance the experience …

Can-Am, Farming, Hunting

ZimmCast 617 – Farmer Veteran Coalition

Chuck Zimmerman

I first heard of the Farmer Veteran Coalition in 2014 but until now, haven’t had an opportunity to learn more and talk with anyone involved. That changed this week when I spoke with founder/director, Michael O’Gorman.  The Mission of Farmer Veteran Coalition is Mobilizing Veterans to Feed America We cultivate a new generation of farmers and food leaders, and develop …

Audio, Farming, ZimmCast