2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag Cash Income At All Time High

Chuck Zimmerman

One of our distinguished guests at today’s Sunbelt Ag Expo Southeast Farmer of the Year luncheon was Mark E. Keenum, USDA Under Secretary, Farm and Foreign Agricultural Service. If you’re interested in hearing about the economics of what’s going on in agriculture then you may want to listen to him. His full comments are only about 12 minutes. However, I’m …

Audio, Farming, Sunbelt Ag Expo, USDA

Harvesting Soybeans

Chuck Zimmerman

I kind of thought I’d see more of this on the way back to Missouri from Wisconsin but I saw very little harvesting going on even though the weather was beautiful. Of course there is still a lot of green corn out there, especially in Iowa. Most of what I saw was soybean harvesting. Today I’m organizing and editing the …


Soldier Farmers

Chuck Zimmerman

Here’s something you won’t see on the evening tv news. Soldier farmers helping rebuild the ag economy in Afghanistan. We’ve already seen this type of work being done in Iraq thanks to Paul McKellips. It looks like soldiers from several states are doing something similar to this in Afghanistan. Despite recent progress, Afghanistan remains a poor country. Its agriculture industry, …

Farming, International

Aquafinca Farms Fish in Honduras

Chuck Zimmerman

I just received this story from Laura who visited Honduras recently and is back there now. Her trip was made possible by the Honduras Foundation for Investment and Export Development. Here’s a novel idea when running a business that manages more than a thousand employees: “We try to do basically everything to make them feel they are like partners not …

Audio, Farming, International

Urban Farmer Receives MacArthur Fellow Award

Chuck Zimmerman

An “urban farmer” has received one of the MacArthur Fellows awards. The MacArthur Foundation today named 25 new MacArthur Fellows for 2008. This past week, the recipients learned in a single phone call from the Foundation that they will each receive $500,000 in “no strings attached” support over the next five years. The new Fellows work across a broad spectrum …


Wind Damaged Corn

Chuck Zimmerman

We’ve heard a lot about wind damage to corn but I guess it’s not just limited to here in Ohio. Pam Fretwell, Conklin Companies, was working here at the Farm Science Review and shared a few photos of the damage in Illinois. That’s going to be tough to harvest! Farm Science Review Photo Album AgWired coverage of the Farm Science …

Corn, Farm Science Review, Farming, Propane


Melissa Sandfort

More than one-hundred Illinois farm families will be treated to a free lunch – and most importantly a quick break from harvest work – during National Farm Safety & Health Week. Farm Credit Services of Illinois is sponsoring its annual “Meals In The Fields” program Sept. 22-26 to help promote farm safety. Each of Farm Credit’s 21 branch offices will …


MOSES is Organic

Chuck Zimmerman

MOSES is the Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service. At the Farm Progress Show, their outreach coordinator, Harriet Behar, visited the media tent. One of the first things I asked her was just what “organic” means. She says it’s a sustainable method of farming that uses on-farm produced inputs. “Only products that have met the organic regulations are allowed to …

Ag Groups, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Farming

More Monsanto Sustainability

Laura McNamara

The potential for increasing yields exists everywhere if you ask Michael Doane. Michael is the Sustainability Team Lead for Monsanto. He spoke at the Monsanto discussion on sustainability on the 2008 Farm Progress Show last week. After his speech, I caught up with him and we spoke more about how he thinks the world will answer the global food demands …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Biotech, Education, Environment, Farm Progress Show, Farm Shows, Farming, Technology